“Rusted, dying truck.” Where’s the rust? How is it dying?
“Rusted, dying truck.” Where’s the rust? How is it dying?
Influencers and Tiktok. The dumbing of America.
I’m sorry, but you are making this sound like a windfall for the victim - assuming her lawsuit is successful AND can actually collect.
I’m really struggling to understand how their demands are reasonable. If someone has an educated counterpoint, I sincerely would like to hear it.
I’d rather have the Gremlin. At least it’s interesting in a kitchy way.
This embodies everything I hate about new vehicle trends now.
What kind of idiot looks at that single-track trail and thinks “oh, that’s for me to drive on!” Helicopter the damn thing out, send the registered owner the bill, and the one for the trail remediation.
No, you don’t need to poke it incessantly. But in response to some of the other commenters, there are cities where have have to press the button or you will be standing on the corner for a long time. San Diego metro area is a good example.
Sad to say, it’s not a loss. Maserati is not the company it once was.
So in theory, since Darlington is not a restrictor plate race, it could happen again. Must have been more than era than restrictor plate racing.
I wonder how many people who finally get their truck are thinking “I waited two years for this”?
It’s either $12K up front or $200 per month. Article was poorly worded. Either way, hard to imagine that there are still a lot of people taking the bait.
Man! The three people who recently bought a Model S Plaid for $108K are gonna be pissed!
Can’t spell “Scaringe” without c-r-i-n-g-e.
I like the Prius Prime - on paper. It seems like the reality is I’d have to wait 6 months to a year for an opportunity to buy one. Only to pay more than $50k after mandatory add-ons and dealer markup. Am I wrong?
“new Cadillac converter”?!? Sold!
Leaving a car sitting around for long periods of time is problematic. But if you must, get the Sienna and be done with it.
Lol. Took me a sec...
You probably missed the stories last week about the new U.S. spec Land Cruiser. The LC was the Lexus LX. It’s now been downsized considerably.
Reminded me of this bike: