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So in theory, since Darlington is not a restrictor plate race, it could happen again.  Must have been more than era than restrictor plate racing.

I wonder how many people who finally get their truck are thinking “I waited two years for this”?

It’s either $12K up front or $200 per month. Article was poorly worded. Either way, hard to imagine that there are still a lot of people taking the bait.

Man! The three people who recently bought a Model S Plaid for $108K are gonna be pissed!

Can’t spell “Scaringe” without c-r-i-n-g-e.

I like the Prius Prime - on paper. It seems like the reality is I’d have to wait 6 months to a year for an opportunity to buy one. Only to pay more than $50k after mandatory add-ons and dealer markup. Am I wrong?

new Cadillac converter”?!?  Sold!

Leaving a car sitting around for long periods of time is problematic. But if you must, get the Sienna and be done with it.

Lol.  Took me a sec...

You probably missed the stories last week about the new U.S. spec Land Cruiser. The LC was the Lexus LX. It’s now been downsized considerably.

Reminded me of this bike:

Las Vegas and F1. The perfect coming together of greed and excess. 

Thank you. I appreciate your owner’s perspective.

For sale by 20-year-old influencer, Walmart tires, and six previous owners? CP

I want an 5-speed Element for my teen son, who actually wants to drive a stick. But it sounds like 23MPG is a bit of an achievement. Thought they might do a little better?

You sure you’re on the right website?

Haha, me too. We had two copper-colored Fairmonts and one white 510 wagon. Of the three, the Datsun was the one the kids wanted to drive. I don’t want any of them now. ND

Car might not present as well in person. It’s at $3800 now, and still not sold.

A 5 second Google search will return his Facebook page. Everything you need to know is revealed as soon as it pops up.

No dice for something that could end up wadded up in the fender well of a soccer mom’s Suburban. And maybe it’s an optical illusion, but it appears to have a bit of a toe-in, err... out, issue as well.