Horatius Bonar

You can't be that obvious, limbs splayed out, presenting like a rhino in heat. Pull quote joke artisans like a little romance.

Better than a JPEG.

Dog show!

Nuts and Gum. Together at last!

They sure grow'em blonde at the Melissa ranch, I tell you what.

Oooh, "anchored" like in a relay team, like it was the last song on the soundtrack. I get it now.

Your friends' explanation would probably be more convincing if they weren't both Japanese.

70% of the words in that comment are top trending PornHub search terms.

"No actress is ever miscast when the part requires nudity."
- Ancient Chinese proverb

Thicke of the Night!!

It's-a me!

Spoken like a real cool cat.

Young girl, they call them the Demon Dogs.

Instead of for world peace? You inhuman monster.

Congratulations everyone, in 100 episodes we've done Pam 107 times.

I have no doubt that Christopher Walken has no idea who Kanye West is, nor should he since he's Christopher Fuckin' Walken. However, I also entertained the possibility that that's just the proper way to pronounce Kanye in Walken's particular accent.

Y'know, with the recent revelations, I bet Brian Williams' bathroom is just some random chimp's skull, not J. Fred Muggs'.

"5 Stars!!"
- Layne Staley

Oh no, and then a Brian Williamson will say _he_ wrote that pilot, while he was crashing in a helicopter just hit by an RPG.

"Pluperfectly" is just the hipster "literally."