
Well, he seemed redeemed and then he has imploded or back track this season. You could say. But for me, I never saw it as genuine. His 'redeeming'. I saw it merely as him trying to convince himself he wasnt savage. Some of the stuff he says and did in the previous was so nasty. A relative of mine, said when we talked

Flyerhawk posted this

Also Flyerhawk posted this

That is interesting, it means it really will depend on how they deal with it. Afterwards.

Well they maybe doing that with the show, they changed things or they have him redeem himself later. But I found, after watching back the early seasons of the show. I found that Jamie was really nasty. Season three you did forget how nasty he truly was in the show.

Well, I really dont see how it was glamorized the rape of Cersei. He didnt punch her in the face and hold a blade to her throat. True. Or use more violence, if that is what you mean. But I found nothing erotic about it and it was ugly- grotesque. Unless you saying it is glamorized because the follow up to it, will be

Jamie shoved Brann out the window without a second thought? He said to Cersei he would kill everyone in Kings Landing and the world. If he could be with her, he then mocked the Starks. Said to Katylen after Ned was dead. If she was lonely under her skirt, he showed real savagery in the fight with Ned. He threatened

The show has portrayed things slightly differently. He has been far more savage and nasty, or have it underneath him. In his personality in the tv show. Maybe Jamie is being too romanticized in the books. But I never saw him as such a redeemable character. in the TV Show.

On the last bit of your comment, was why I thought it was really powerful when she took control of the sex. Really strong of her, that she could assert her power in such a unbalanced situation around her. With such a powerful individual. The only place, she had the opportunity. Was In the private room. Due to the

Well some people are saying the director may of messed up, mentioned some quotes of his. Like he could of maybe shot it too rapey. That he has made afterwards, so maybe look around to see what he has said.

Nar man, look in the long run of her actions. She knew she needed to survive, get rid of her brother and stay alive. She used the opportunity to assert herself, and after she does. Drogo is way more respectful of her. She rises in their ranks. She becomes more seen as a leader. So she used it to survive. The one place

You making assumptions about that. Maybe some people did, doesnt mean all people did. Perverts and nasty people exist. But cant use that sort of assumption in a critique of the show. You can critique the show, but criticizing it on what people might of thought. Is a bit of a thought crime jump.

Did he say that in the behind the scenes feature or something? It was the thing I was wondering about. If maybe the director fucked up. My guess is it will back track next episode, which will be pretty problematic. You could fob it off on their mutually destructive nature of their relationship.

Well, for me in the TV Show. I felt he always had obsessive, nasty and savage personality beneath his charm. Never saw him in a redeeming light. Especially settled on him being a lost cause when Brienne was telling him to rescue Sansa and he wasnt really interested in that.

Jamie has always been nasty in the TV show. Maybe the books are glamorizing him too much, or they generally different character. In the TV show. He wasnt so great at all and has been really nasty and savage.

She was succumbing due to being forced down, not due to her enjoying it. Unless they change that in the afterwards bit. Danny took control of the sex with Drogo, took charge. Wasnt succumbing to it. She was using it.

Well no , but I do think some people are wrong. The Cersei rape, was definitely not sexy. Didnt find the Danny rape sexy either, but I did think it could of been uglier. But she does take control of her body and the sex. That changes it to her using him. Which I thought was really powerful. Especially when you see her

But it his POV so whatever he says or claims. Could be suspect. But again, I havnt read the books. But yeah the TV show was rape.

I didnt think it was that out of character, I havnt read the books. But he tried to kill Brann with out a second thought. He said to Cersei, that he would kill everyone in the capital if they could be together. That shows intense obsession with her. He threatened Laurece at the wedding.
When he came back, he was

None of the scenes I found sexy- when it was rape and no nudity with Cesei or no attempt to portray it sexy. It was ugly.