
I dont know how Cesei will respond. But with Danny, she got raped and then took control of the sex afterwards. Took the control of Drogo. She also couldnt exactly complain or not 'enjoy it'. He would of just chopped her head off. She is weak and during the first season. She gets her strength, she overcomes her

You making assumptions, which runs the risk of falling into the whining sexist mouthpiece. Theon has had prob one of the worst time ever yes. The book is from his perspective, it could of been phony (Jamie's perspectice). Akira Kurosawa did that in his movies, the difference of POVs.
It was rape though in the TV show

Not sure how they made it a rape fantasy. They were horrible scenes. The book sounds like it actually was way more rape fantasy. In the book it from Jamie's perspective so his POV could of been fake. The rape isnt romanticized or appealling to rape fantasy. Havnt been in the TV show. Wasnt any nudity in this scene or

Not for me. He raped her and afterwards she took control of the sex and him in the sex. Took her power back. Which was pretty strong, she also clearly knew that Drogo was her only buffer for survival. How long she last if she complained and hated on him? Before it was her brother. Then got rid of her brother, then

Sorry but if you married or girlfriend boyfriend. Partners can still be raped? No means no. Yes we will have to see how she reacts, but it was horrible scene. For me, not just due to Joffery corpse but also due to her saying no and quite a few times. Him throwing her down, and tearing her dress- the spite in his tone.

Aye, what they do afterwards- how she responds I think will determine my thoughts about it.

Also I might add, the rape scene wasnt romanticized and had no nudity in it. It was horrible. So the whole idea, that it was done to give Male viewers an erection. I dont think has much credibility.

I dont think you meant to enjoy the scene. Wasnt romanticized in the slightest. Along with no nudity in it at all. So I think how a viewer feel, which will be negative. Is what they want you to feel.

If you say so. Unless he complains about it, I think he cool with it.

Well the Drogo thing, I took it as. She was pretty much her taking her power back from him raping her at the start. Which I thought was pretty powerful for Daenrys. She takes control of him, control's the sex. With such a huge bloke- which I thought was interesting to see from her. But she couldnt exactly do anything

try not to use PC so poorly. Half the time it only used by dudes that want to be far more offensive to certain people than they are allowed.

If they rationalize it and make her cool with it, it could be more problematic. But they have driven a far more 'obsessive' personality with Jamie. A nasty one. In the book it is from his point of view and Akira Kurosawa did that whole distorting from POVs thing. So maybe it was not rape in Jamie's eyes or POV.

I dont entirely agree with your rant about double standards, partly it is off topic. But I do agree with you that Theon , has been utterly obliterated and quite horribly. Has seem to be forgotten.

George RR Martin overlooks all the steps they take with the show. So he would of allowed it

lol that is nonsense

Again though if it done from his perspective in the book he could lie, whole thing was done in Akira Kurasawa movie

Dude, you say vile and nasty poop. Prepare to face the consequences, his own fault. So I have no sympathy for him. Also,  I heard that Ender's Game is a Metaphor for Hitler. 

haha this sounds incredible!!