She also looked at Chris Pine like that their entire press tour, so either she did the bingo-bango with both of them (which, understandable) or that’s just how she looks at hot dudes (also understandable).
She also looked at Chris Pine like that their entire press tour, so either she did the bingo-bango with both of them (which, understandable) or that’s just how she looks at hot dudes (also understandable).
Ok, this is depressing. I’m concerned you may be right, though. The Citizens United thing was a truly devastating development, and the voter suppression and gerrymandering that has followed may truly be the last undoing of representative government in these United States. The Supreme Court thing grows more…
Also, Juliette Binoche!
Brad Pitt - Gwyneth Paltrow - Chris Martin - Katy Perry - Orlando Bloom - Sienna Miller! Whoo!
Sen. Susan Collins just announced she’ll be voting no to the GOP Death Panel Act.
Ugh and he’d try to talk to you about his art too.
God, I miss those guys. It all feels like a fever dream now.
Darling, we have been in denial about this for a long time, but it has been a slow moving coup since the 80's.
If I had known last year that the millionaires would come together to buy this country for dictator-rule by the inhumane and stupid, I wouldn’t have bought a house in America.
This weeekend I watched the new Netflix documentary “Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press” that discusses the Thiel funded takedown of Gawker (and his ties to Trump), and the Adelson buy out of the Las Vegas Review Journal, as well as the stated intention of wealthy conservatives to kill off free speech through…
That’s it, exactly. Asking how they would spend lottery winnings is a great get to know them question.
If you invest the money (in things you love, not just arbitrarily) you can repeatedly give to charities forever, instead of as a lump sum. Plus there’d be some left over for you, even if you choose to continue your frugal ordinary life. There’s a lot to be said for financial security.
I would give a lot to charity, buy a big house here I could have parties/holidays in. I’m a realtor so I already know exactly which one I would buy, it has a pool, on a lake near the city, big lot, etc. Then I would buy a place in Manhattan with at least three bedrooms, buy tickets for pretty much every play and…
The best thing about buying a lottery ticket is to fantasize about what you would do if you were to win. I only bought one lottery ticket in my life and that’s because in a dream, a magician fanned out a deck and told me to pick. They were all lottery tickets, and the one I picked read, “You won one million dollars”.