
Yes! There’s a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge USA event coming up in my city in the near future and it will be flooded with tourists from all over the world. I’m terrified and have told friends and family that I’m worried about it, and would prefer it if they didn’t attend. I know that’s “how the terrorists win”, but that’s

I agree with Zeetal above, in that he can be the one that enforces the boundaries you decide on. Let your husband know what your boundaries are, and then make him be the one that enforces those boundaries. I feel very impatient with husbands who are incapable of handling their own families and protecting their

Lost my mom several years ago, and all the firsts were hard. So were the seconds, and so on. But I will tell you this from experience: grieving is very irregular. All of that is normal and you can give yourself permission to be happy or angry or very depressed. You may feel upbeat on a day you were sure you’d feel

This is one of those times where facebook emojis would be useful - I’d like to reply with the “wow” emoji. Because, wow.

So sorry about your grandmother. I’ve just started reading a Kindle Amazon first - Dead Certain. Have no idea if it will be good yet, but I like the first few pages. I’m one of those people who will read the first few sentences of a book to see if I can stand the writer’s voice, and proceed from there. There are

“What we need to let go of is false equivalence that gives a pass to these criminals.” Yesssssssssssssssssssss. Like Drumpf vs. Hillary - no they are not equally bad.  


I’m so sorry. I’m not from Michigan, and I am still extremely worried about the water crisis in Flint, despite it not being in the headlines as much as it was before. We all need to worry about what’s happening in all states, not just our own, because what can happen in one place can happen in another.  

Now playing

Her father is so awful and so unprecedented in his awfulness that if she doesn’t come out swinging, hard, against him, then I’m going to have to think she’s as complicit as the favorite sister Ivanka. Like, if you’re going on social media and publicly posting things you know will be seen by the masses, simply because

That’s Ms. Chanandeler Bong.

ha ha, good suggestion. I like this more.

As a person who was constantly out dancing with friends a billion times a week when that song came out - I disagree. Such a fun club song.

Good God. Things are really heading downhill with alarming speed.

I hope this doesn’t mean he won some kind of behind-the-scenes victory this weekend that will fuck us all later. I don’t trust his joy.

“I’m always like, “but why?”” Yes. And the sheer hassle of changing your name is a nightmare, regardless of any other feelings about it. Every credit card, your checkbook, your bank cards, your work e-mail address, your paychecks, your social security card....I mean.....what’s even in it for a woman? Ugh. Glad I

Yes yes yes to all of this. It’s the patriarchy that is the issue, not individual women. But awareness of where the desire for the name change comes from is an important one. Why? Because men are not sitting there hemming and hawing and worried about changing or not changing their names. That kind of tells you

He could wear carved watermelons on his feet for all I care if he just had a heart. Or morals. Or a conscience. The Walmart shoes are befitting his Scroogeyness. “Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?”

“The internet gives with one hand even as it takes away with the other.” - this is the best quote ever. It applies to so many things! Kudos! 

It is so much happier to have zero contact with a flake! Bravo for you! The only reason I’m still in (extremely limited, facebook/occasional text only) contact with my former bff is because she’s a relative. For example, one of our other relatives recently passed away, and we were in contact over that. And she has

Yes, and it might help to talk to a therapist who helps you with healthy boundaries (rather than one who might ask you to be constantly understanding of the other person no matter how they treat you simply because they have mental health challenges). Because I have multiple family members with severe depression and