
I wish Netflix and other streamers embraced more short-form, big-swing, niche shows that cost little but really just go for it. I Think You Should Leave’s success hasn’t seemed to generate any like-minded series, unfortunately. Would love more of this. Especially for things that are designed to not outstay their

I agree.  They need to pay some type of penance.  I think Kim already is.  She gave up the profession she loved.  Jimmy is going to end up in prison, where he will spend his time doing the obvious,  being a prison lawyer.

To be honest, it seems like most of these questions can be answered with “we’re seeing the cons that work”; in pretty much any of these scenarios, the trio would just cut their losses and move on to the next mark. About the only one that would pose a significant enough problem that couldn’t just be walked away from is

The world needs Joe Pera. The world doesn’t deserve Joe Pera.

We all ate Nana’s last meatball and we didn’t know it at the time. Fish fry will never be the same.

We met him at a stand-up show before Season 2 was announced and he couldn’t have been nicer and gracious about how much we appreciated the Adult Swim show. He had just turned 30. I just adore him and really want him to have all the opportunities.

This is a common opinion, but I’ll stand by my belief that the main difference between season 1 and the subsequent seasons is not that it was better but just that it was more conducive to bingeing. The story and themes of season 1 were clean and straightforward (both amounting to, basically, “Find the ones you love”),

If you go to a show in Ohio, headlined by a big name comedian, and you aren't at least prepared for the possibility that Dave Chappelle might show up as a surprise, well, you just aren't paying attention 

You’re right but also people easily triggered should just avoid going to stand-up comedy shows in general.

Note to other popular podcasters: You dont have to over-correct if you make a mistake. Make an apology and move on. Let people make their own choice if they want to continue listening. Self-canceling is always a lose-lose move. Dont assume that people will keep listening if you get rid of the reason why people started

I’m sorry to see the show go. I enjoyed it in the days before P.J.’s departure, and though I thought the resignation and abandonment of the series mid-run were a serious over-correction, I continued to listen to and enjoy the episodes since then. I have mounting concerns for Gimlet and its programs following the

2 oz gin, 3/4 oz fresh lime juice, 3/4 oz simple syrup. Shake over ice for ~30 seconds, strain into a chilled martini glass. 

Will Smith is soft for not being able to take a joke. And classless for not apologizing to Rock.

Dojo is rad. Her music is rad. Her choice to give it up due to the exploitative nature of show business and the fucking entitlement/inherent shittiness of people is rad.

I’m excited to hear this is a rambling, episodic tone piece. I think there are a few films that would be stronger if they jettisoned the entire obligation of plot. Like if Dazed and Confused dropped Pink signing a note in order to play football. Like, just let it be a bunch of vignettes. Which, I guess, what I hope

I don’t have an issue with the mimicry. It’s crazy good. And you have to hustle in this business; I get why Costa did it. Make good shit and put it out into the universe, make things happen, etc etc.

No stars?

re. Morty and Summer regressing, something I’ve noticed is that they’re far dumber when they’re paired together, than when one of them’s paired with another character (particularly Rick) - which rings very true to me, as most siblings I know irl get way more childish around each-other.