
Both of the lead actors are amazing, as is the writing, script, and editing... But what this review fails to mention is that David Cho steals every scene he’s in as Danny’s unpredictable street hustler cousin Isaac. His performance impressed me even more than Ali’s.

This is like the Hallmark Channel buying out Food Network, then telling fans of Chopped, “ No, trust us; you’ll really like this other stuff we’re making”...

My biggest fear in all this, is that I will soon be losing a very comprehensive catalog of Adult Swim shows. It’s bad enough that Joe Pera was recently canceled, but it will be pure anguish if I lose the archival stuff, along with Off the Air, the Infomercials, etc...

Wow, that was quite the zinger...

Gut Punch... I’m sure the Johns are next (Lurie and Wilson respectively). But hey, more room for Marvel Spin-offs eh?....... Eh??? *sigh*

Incredibly sad news, especially after they announced two months ago that they were working hard on new content, and making every effort to return to form. I agree with others on here that the show was irreversibly crippled by the entire Test Kitchen ordeal, and was never the same afterwards, but I still eagerly

Okay, I’ve been watching these Rick and Morty comments grow steadily more insipid over the past two seasons, to the point where I have to chime in.

How dare these fuckers come out in favor of 1800s German immigrants. Snowflakes! Sad!

Fish food