
“From now on, I respectfully ask you to refer to me as Jen, Jennifer, Ms. Herold, or your opponent.”

Animorphs were the best!!! i actually still have a few from when I was a kid. Like the one where Jake got taken over by a yeerk. That was a favorite of mine.

I love her and her glasses and her earrings and her happy face and her miiiind.
Marley 4-ever.

....and will probably think Holden Caulfield is a whiny little a**hole, just like I did....

I’m extremely embarrassed to realize that I can’t think any books with black girl protagonists off the top of my head*. Anybody have any favorites they want to share?

*I pretty much gave up fiction about 10 years ago when I first got into grad school, so I’m not exactly ‘in the loop’ anyhow. And I don’t tend to read

The crazy bit was a cheap shot, but is anybody else worried Palin had a stroke or suffered some other form of brain damage? I seem to remember her being able to form sentences that weren’t just word salad.

Tilda Swinton maybe? We all know she and Bowie were grown in a lab together somewhere anyway...

While the “Sara” role could be filled by anyone, I don’t think there exists right now an actor and singer who has the level of charisma and talent that would be required to come even halfway to Bowie levels (maybe genderflip the role and have Annie Lennox perform it, she might just be able to do it). I strongly doubt

As Don Bluth says:

I don’t think we even have the capability to make so-called children’s films that were as scary and somewhat trippy as 80's movies were (The Neverending Story, Goonies, The Dark Crystal, etc). As a wussy kid all of these movies gave me nightmares, but I wanted to watch them anyways. I don't think we have a

I think that depends on who he shoots. He’d probably get more donations for shooting brown people, but lose some for white people. Triple points for Hillary, double for Bern, negative points for Putin. Deeply negative points for shooting a fetus, neutral for killing an infant, positive for a teenager.

What, is Putin giving him campaign tips or something? This is crazed dictator talk.

sex workers can be raped too...

with all the money being spent on this big government we can’t afford some snow tires? If Trump were president we’d have tremendous snow tires and he’d make the Canadian’s pay for them!

Nah, she loved to watch other people suffer. She was a sadist.

Poor people are the kindling for the fire of faith.

“Mother” Teresa also felt that giving pain medication to people dying from cancer was unnecessary, because she had a pain fetish. Of course, when it came to her own care, no expense was spared to see the best doctors. But them poor brown folk - Jesus just looooooves it when they are suffering.

And there’s such a long list of US presidents born to mothers that didn’t want them and/or couldn’t afford them. There’s.... and um.... uh....

Why do you think we haven’t had a woman as president yet?” First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton asked her guest over their lunch at the White House in 1995.