I’m voting for the guy with the give-no-fucks mad scientist hair cut :P
I’m voting for the guy with the give-no-fucks mad scientist hair cut :P
What blows my mind is that people who make this argument are undervaluing their own skills/work when they say this. Why don’t they also deserve to be valued for their time/skills/accomplishments?
I’d love to spin some up for a hat :)
In the spirit of PudgetheFish....
ooooooooh my god...
oh god please post a photo!!!
omg my boyfriend had me watch him play that whole game and i was actually entertained... not a video game person so that says a lot
Anyone else getting a Bowie vibe?
Like a selkie!
lol I live in NJ and I know exactly what you meant... but we burn our boxes to keep the old log cabin side of our house warm- the recycling yard is 5 minutes away
and good skin... I love the shape of my body but I never want anyone to see it ever because I have terrible skin
Sure someone who wears a dick into a church is probably on a conspicuous level of douchiness. But just because it exists in the modern western world doesn't mean it has anything to do with the Christian cross. I've seen a lot of re-enactors wearing these charms, you can get them cheap at fairs or on etsy, and fashion…
I'm an archaeologist, I can't help it :P
oooor it's inspired by ancient Roman phallic pendants and has nothing to do with Christianity?
There were a lot of Roman phallic pendants like this. Did Ford say he designed the pendant to specifically imitate the cross? Otherwise, this is a pretty old symbol. I think early medieval Scandinavians also had phallic pendants.
So I read this right after dinner tonight, and on Mondays, my mom and I watch Sleepy Hollow. So I was wondering, this sounds like something I'd see on Sleepy Hollow or Grimm. AND THATS WHAT TONIGHTS EPISODE OF SLEEPY HOLLOW WAS ABOUT- A FUCKING WENDIGO.
<3 Ivan Bilibin
noooo nooooo burnt churches!! I need them for my dissertation! archaeology and reasons!
I think some of the landscape shots are filmed there, where as everything else is filmed in Ireland. Norway is way more expensive to house a full cast and crew than Ireland.