
I know exactly where this picture was taken... my brother and I sat up there enjoying some bread and cheese before continuing on our 2 week road trip :D

I was in Odda right around the corner from Trolltunga... sadly we couldn't make it there since we had to rely on the bus schedules, but we had a great time kayaking in the Hardanger fjord and climbing up the Buer Glacier. And Odda was described as one of the 'ugliest' towns in Norway... it was one of the most

or the pagan variety with Arkona, lead singer's name is Masha Scream :D

go re-read the comment. and then go click the Facebook link in the article. geez.

go re-read LittleThought's comment. please. think before you post.

BLAAAAAAARGH go back and read Little Thought's comment. She's talking about a shitbag lady named Gail Lane who is doing all the victim blaming.

I wasn't going to do this, but there are too many of these replies- LT was quoting an awful woman on facebook, as linked in the article, and pointing out how much of a shit bag she is.

omg read the comment again.. LittleThoughts was quoting some awful woman on fb, geez, all you people jumping down his/her throat too fast

wow. this is my life right here

is Thighlights still a thing around here?

It seems like so many people who foster kids are religious fundamentalist crazies... there definitely needs to be more healthy options for foster kids.

I know a girl who always posts stuff like "I LOVE MY FRIENDS" or "I HAVE THE BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD I AM SO LUCKY," pretty much every week. Makes me wonder.

came here to make the same comment. great show

ummm... you need to watch Spartacus. love Black Sails. But if you want lots of peen and a GREAT story.. then Spartacus is the way to go!

I went to the parade in Cork, Ireland, in 2009. All kinds of groups were represented, like the Polish, Ethiopians, soccer teams- all kinds of groups. Sure, parades are about celebrating a special occasion, but its really about celebrating a special occasion as a COMMUNITY. Cities like NYC have the most diverse

this was my immediate thought on viewing this photo

A girl I know just had her dog put down. She had the dog for 6 weeks after adopting the dog from the shelter she was volunteering at. Apparently the dog had anxiety issues and destroyed a lot of stuff while she was out at work and she also went on a week long trip to europe. My brain hurts just typing this out.

The Pine Barrens of NJ is the largest stretch of land east of the Mississippi that is federally protected, has some of the purest water in the United States, and was the first National Reserve. :) Beautiful for kayaking and hiking.

Its pretty blatantly meant to be offensive though. There's no reason Islam should be mentioned in an ancient-Egyptian themed video. Yes- there is other wacky stuff presented in the video, but all that stuff was put in there for the sake of ridiculousness. So we can infer that the symbol was placed there for ridicule.

That kiss from North and South just makes me die every time