
OMG ME TOO. Took me less than a minute, just from reading it out loud.

Posted this elsewhere in the discussion,

First off, I don't understand how everyone is getting this whole 'love is the 5th dimension' or some physical force that transcends time bullshit from the movie... because Anne Hathaway's character was having a moment? Just because a character speculates about something, it becomes the movie's reality? Is it because

Check out the Silmarillion Project- not film, but some fun illustrations

I WANT A GRIMM RECAP. Episode 2 is in 2 days!! Come on io9 :(

Sooo... where's my Grimm recap?

I usually assume the one in NYC

The 'fireflies'- I was thinking the Vashta Nerada, except not all angry and eating people.....

So I read this right after dinner tonight, and on Mondays, my mom and I watch Sleepy Hollow. So I was wondering, this sounds like something I'd see on Sleepy Hollow or Grimm. AND THATS WHAT TONIGHTS EPISODE OF SLEEPY HOLLOW WAS ABOUT- A FUCKING WENDIGO.

Emma was also undercover as Princess Leia last season

I had nightmares after seeing this- the opening really got to me

<3 Ivan Bilibin

I've been looking everywhere else for this video, and it looks like its only available on vimeo with a password (my own vimeo password? or a password specifically for the video????)

this planet is different from ours, it has long winters and summers that last for years, so I think we can allow some species of trees to survive beyond the wall? Especially since there is the whole tree-cult with the Old Gods in the north- the weirwood trees that the Starks pray to

noooo nooooo burnt churches!! I need them for my dissertation! archaeology and reasons!

I think some of the landscape shots are filmed there, where as everything else is filmed in Ireland. Norway is way more expensive to house a full cast and crew than Ireland.

I know exactly where this picture was taken... my brother and I sat up there enjoying some bread and cheese before continuing on our 2 week road trip :D

I was in Odda right around the corner from Trolltunga... sadly we couldn't make it there since we had to rely on the bus schedules, but we had a great time kayaking in the Hardanger fjord and climbing up the Buer Glacier. And Odda was described as one of the 'ugliest' towns in Norway... it was one of the most

or the pagan variety with Arkona, lead singer's name is Masha Scream :D

go re-read the comment. and then go click the Facebook link in the article. geez.