
go re-read LittleThought's comment. please. think before you post.

BLAAAAAAARGH go back and read Little Thought's comment. She's talking about a shitbag lady named Gail Lane who is doing all the victim blaming.

I wasn't going to do this, but there are too many of these replies- LT was quoting an awful woman on facebook, as linked in the article, and pointing out how much of a shit bag she is.

omg read the comment again.. LittleThoughts was quoting some awful woman on fb, geez, all you people jumping down his/her throat too fast

Baratheon deer skull, Lannister lion skull, Stark wolf skull, and Targaryen dragon skull

Photography first became available to the masses through portraiture. Granted they weren't taking the photos themselves, but small portraits of oneself to give to friends and family were pretty common in the mid-1800s onwards... And lets not forget all the selfies in the medium of paint- Velasquez, Van Gogh, Albrecht

I should add that Robin is already aware of the fact that Regina intended to execute a lot of the people in Storybrooke, so it's not big news.

Well, since the past has changed, he only knows that Marion disappeared. So all he's going to find out is that Regina intended to execute her.

they're lucky they weren't the monkeys that got shot/incinerated/slashed by Emma and the gang!

Emma got her magic back and used it to get back to Storybrooke

Was it 8 months? I thought it was mentioned that the pregnancy was shorter because of the magic involved??? idk...

its in the shape of a brain because the spell is a play on the virtues wished for by the lion the tin man and the scarecrow in the original story- courage, a heart, and a brain.

Whoa where is this theory about Tyrion coming from????

wow. this is my life right here

is Thighlights still a thing around here?

It seems like so many people who foster kids are religious fundamentalist crazies... there definitely needs to be more healthy options for foster kids.

I know a girl who always posts stuff like "I LOVE MY FRIENDS" or "I HAVE THE BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD I AM SO LUCKY," pretty much every week. Makes me wonder.

Yeah I watched this movie dozens of times when I was a kid, along with Indiana Jones. And I think I saw it right before I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the first time, which made the Egyptian department all the more exciting for me with the Temple of Dendur and all the mummies

this is the only reason I clicked on this article