
Her and John Early have the BEST chemistry onstage

Hey! That writer's name is Jessica Gao! A woman did end up joining the writing staff after all those quotes about it from Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon. Props to her.

See some of her more recent roles on SNL for subtle and quieter humor. (Not the Weekend Update appearances, which resemble her stand-up, but her appearances in sketches)

I see what you mean (god my body aches thinking about some of the improv I've seen), though it's not just about finding something unfunny. It's more about how that criticism is framed, and how that criticism relates to the deeper context of the humor. And in this instance, the racial politics of the humor

No, it's about the way people criticize her. When people accuse her of being a one-dimensional hack who relies on loudness, they're getting tangled up in a conversation about differences in racial humor and, subsequently, race in the world of entertainment. Even if they don't mean to.

Re: the depth, she's actually been nailing some quieter + more subdued roles on SNL this season.

I totally see your point. Though in that New Yorker profile + a few other interviews, she's actually talked about her style and how it can be necessary to get the audiences' attention in the comedy circuit she came up in

I am well aware of this. But as I stated above, her style is one that flourished in the world of black comedy and it reflects some of the dominant tastes in that world (see the New Yorker profile of her if you're interested / haven't read it already, it talks about this and it's really fascinating)

And I'm saying that their criticism of her style is a criticism of black comedy more broadly, and that I find these comments grating.

It's not about disliking her / Obama, it's about how people show that race is a bigger component of their opinions than it should be.


SWEAR TO GOD if I see one more commenter say shit like "Leslie Jones is where comedy goes to die," or "Leslie Jones being loud," or "Too much Leslie Jones," and then act like their comments aren't low-key fucked up and intrinsically tied to race, I will drive to your homes in my Toyota Tercel and kick you

Sacramento and Liverpool are such a bizarre pair of cities to have grown up in. I love it

I edited the iTunes start time of that final track so it just starts at the beginning of "Wherever You Go"

Yeah, the mustache husband died, came back, and is now locked in the bathroom. The flight attendant he bit is panicked but douchey air marshal won't let Asian girl tie her up

Fear the Walking Dead, Flight 462 prediction: Asian girl fulfills every fanboy's yellow fever fantasy by sacrificing herself to save the loser white boy

So many tweets about David Bowie and 69

Despite New San Francisco's reliance on hovercars and hoverbridges, Lombard Street in SF is still a thing

I never realized how little grammatical sense "Scarborough Fair" made until I rewatched this episode — "Remember me to the one who lives there"?!?!

Wasn't that the cover of the Season 3 DVD set back in the day?