
Wow, so it only gets up to 80,000 mph?

Westside LA remains completely untouched by the zombie crisis for over 2 years due to traffic on the 10

wasn't she elsewhere first?

Fair. (I didn't know the latter point)

"even though no one had to die"

I wonder if Rosita will be in Fear the Walking Dead this summer? Her origin story is vague enough to permit it

oh my god the red poncho guy and the wolves were a LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD REFERENCE

you are a STAR

Morgan said "all life is precious" — they're setting the stage to kill off Gabriel while making sure the remaining black male character is also apprehensive about killing people

and guy in the red poncho, who didn't need to die! #firescottgimple

the guy in the red poncho was a GOOD MAN goddamn it

I first saw "Amazon Women in the Mood" the night after going through the sex talk at school…I was overwhelmed

^I still drive over to extreme westside (Mar Vista) for Canton Kitchen tbh

+ Atwater Village

4 months late but yesssss preach

I think it was few months before, but yeah

Wait where is silicon valley?!

"And then he Tokyo Drifts into his….okay, this scene goes on for 10 pages."

No Silicon Valley either

Can we reflect on Patty shitting in a bag and leaving it on Neil's doorstep?