
I'm in disbelief about it — it's an HBO show, how has it been snubbed this long?

Oh god I am dreading that

And also "no you don't have permission to conduct a full investigation of my blood quantum"

Ooooh yes I love talking about this. Re: your first point about Jenna Krakowski's character, as an enrolled Native, I and most other Natives I know don't have a problem with that story arc.

Anyone who saw Hacksaw Ridge and thought "yes Andrew Garfield is better in this than he was in Silence" is deeply wrong

Silence was my favorite film of the year and it got snubbed SO hard

need that "Pobody's Nerfect" t-shirt

lesbians are so much better at relationships than gay men like me and it's UNFAIR

loose Bionicles

oooh i've been meaning to check out Crazy ExGF, enjoy. and thank you! i will let u know how Atlanta goes in january, within the comments section of The Good Place episode 10 review

hahaha the only two tabs I have open right now are this AV Club page and then episode 2 of Westworld on HBO GO. I have no idea what I'm gonna watch now but we can get through this together. i'm thinking of watching Atlanta now but i'm worried bc it has so much hype


When is the next episode? I can't find the date anywhere and now I'm STRESSED

I think the episodes don't go up until Monday morning

Brady got a little likeable right at the end, with his breakdown. Like, if I had to put up with my boyfriend's baggage about his ex AND his family I'd be obnoxious too

The tapestry of characters in this movie was amazing. I think I loved every single character, and this movie told each one of their stories beautifully.

So if it's 3am on a weekend and there's no train coming for 20+ minutes — why should people feel the need to be polite and let a train shut its doors on them? Who would have a problem with someone holding up their 3am train by 10 seconds?

I'm obsessed with Bernice and now this is all I want

Bernice for MVP

Lmao at 52 year old Russell Crowe portraying the teenage protagonist of Blood Meridian