
Yes! Easy A was such an unexpectedly great film, and Stone, Michalka, Clarkson, and everyone else were perfect in their roles.

That's such an oversimplified reading of it…she was one of the only characters who wasn't (1) way overacted/overdramatic, or (2) a complete parody of a character trope that Lindelof has used before in Lost.

The Asian girl was the only character who didn't feel like a total joke. I hope she somehow pushes her way to the role of protagonist.

That's why I just use "c*nt" now. It's one of the only curse words that still packs some punch (in the USA at least).

Oh my god. There's a tab of his ex's LinkedIn page (the ex he was obsessed with) open during Pied Piper's big presentation. That's such a small, brilliant, touch.

10 months later and this is still incredible


+ Cloverfield

I actually loved his cowboy, I'd like to see him get to use his middle American shtick more often

Grrr, I'll never get to see the clip then

Is there a reason why the Will Smith Tickets sketch hasn't been posted online like every other sketch from the night? And it was removed from the full episode on Hulu, too.

Really? I thought Brooks did really well in the skits he had.

I think he would be good for Weekend Update, tbh. I really liked his guest appearance on it.

I feel bad that they keep shafting him when he's much more compelling / funnier than a couple of the other new cast members