
Unless it’s a fuel shark, which will add at least 10% better MPG.

There’s a perception among guys in their 30s and 40s that SNL is all about sweaty coked-up dudes doing accents, when really the beating heart of the show has always been self-aware Jewish women mugging directly into the camera.

I think this was a solid enough episode that happened to have one of the worst fucking cold opens I’ve ever seen.

I like a lot of your suggestions, but listing Dubrovnik as ‘somewhere yet to be overrun by tourists’ is grossly inaccurate. They’ve had to limit the number visiting each day, because there’s so many people wanting to go.

I think it’s kind of neat how much Chris Farley’s public reputation has improved over the years.  At the time of his death, I don’t think the general perception was that he was a real comedic genius, so much as a big fat guy who just kind of used his size to make dumb jokes.  But other comedians seems to have been

She also conspired with her mother to forge a lease to help her get out of paying a gym’s $200 cancellation fee”

I feel like the Chuck E Cheese sketch could have starred him, but Cumberbatch’s falsetto was so hilariously good that they threw him a bone as the dancer. When he does get that one line or moment in a sketch he stands out. It’s just too crowded right now. Dismukes, Athari, the Johnsons, and Sherman would be absolutely

I maybe get the not being able to sue a co-worker, but seems like not being able to sue your employer for damages is suspect, and leaves employees unprotected

Ehhh. I still don’t get why they flavor this sandwich with sauces instead of changing up the chicken. Do a hot chicken! do a traditional extra crunch and spicy. The sauces on these are always sad.

Hey, maybe it wasn’t a trans person. Maybe it was one of the folks who was rendered homeless after Chapelle used his money to shut down an affordable housing project in his county. 

The perfect hot dog is natural casing, on a good roll, with chili (NO beans), mustard, cheese (REAL cheese), and onions.

I hate to be that guy... No, I don’t... Your explanation of a standard Old Fashioned is not an Old Fashioned. It’s generally rye (or bourbon, but hopefully a rye bourbon rather than a wheated bourbon) with bitters and either a dissolved sugar cube or a bit of simple syrup. Still massively different than a Wisconsin

I hadn’t thought of that but it would make sense. The third personality has been handled so weird though, after multiple heavy-handed “hints” we have the perfect episode to reveal him, and instead it doesn’t come up at all? Why even include that third sarcophagus last episode if the boys weren’t going to even

It has been heavily implied that there is a third personality that is a lot more angry and brutal than Marc or Steven. Apparently in the comics there is a personality named Jake, so a lot of fans are assuming thats him.

I also this this show has a problem that’s present in other recent Marvel shows: twisty plot for its own sake, and then little emotional follow-through given the reveal. Ending the episode with “Steven was created to dissociate from abuse” and then Steven immediately “dies” closes off that thread to probably not pick

This was for me a peculiar episode that really encapsulated my sense of this show as a whole. The first half of the episode was a sheer delight for me and I was already counting this firmly as the best episode of Moon Knight. However, then the second half really started falling apart as things became feeling more and

Love the acknowledgement that we’ve already seen an afterlife or two in the MCU, with Tawaret referencing the Ancestral Plane as a lovely place to see.

I say this respectfully and with full knowledge it will likely send me to the greys: what is up with all the slideshows lately? If it’s a dictate from the herb blink twice and we’ll carry on like I never mentioned it.

I would call ganache maybe advanced beginner - it’s definitely easier than Swiss Meringue. If you use Candy Melts or a knockoff version and melt the chocolate in the microwave it’s actually really easy.

Could it also be that the President’s powers are also semi-vague and presidents from Teddy Roosevelt to Trump found ways to get their agenda pushed through and at times deliberately bypassed Congress to do so?