
my office today:

The feud between Crawford and Davis was fascinating but so was the one between Crawford and Marilyn Monroe, which they briefly delved into at the beginning of Feud, when Marilyn Monroe was being given an award at some award show and Joan Crawford was bitterly watching her and having a meltdown. She said something

It means George Anthony pulled Caylee from the pool, and said it was okay, and he would take care of things. And then he did. And, she didn’t.

Yes! He is delightfully sincere. I like wrinkly-overthinking-it Loki.

Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian on the set of Ocean’s 8.

I clicked on that link and immediately freaked the hell out and started manically scrolling to get away from the images...but they just kept coming.

No no.. they are skinny manatees.

Are we sure these aren’t just fat dolphins?

Yep. Fuck Facebook.

Wow...further proof that those who run Facebook are simply complete assholes. BBC should have reported Facebook for receiving child porn just to stick it to them. Technically Facebook did ask for the pictures, which is *also* illegal. Just wow...

Yeah! It was neat. Very old-school sort of con mostly populated by locals. Meyer was a panelist on the first writing one I popped into, he started randomly reciting Richard III.

There is only one escape from the DC movie curse.

That’s a cop out. As Logan has clearly proved, there’s a way to do comic book movies with class, quality, a focus on character and a relation to the source material that’s legitimate.

I’ve tried this as the drive-thru after a night of heavy drinking. Sadly, they were not convinced.


It’s the DC Universe. She has an “Invisible Car” - which is really just her running around making “Vroom VROOOOOOMMM!” noises with her mouth.

“It was you all along, Ron.” Harry pushes Ginny out of the way in order to fiercely embrace Ron.

Kudos to the stylist for somehow managing to get Ariana out of a bodycon mini dress and a half ponytail. But that dress is too much for her, she’s not commanding enough. That dress requires somebody with real presence.

Ariana got out most of her vowels

Is this the new trailer for the Handmaid’s Tale adaptation?