
The men from Moonlight recently did a shoot for Calvin Klein. They are all incredibly beautiful and the photos are fucking hot. They aren’t scrutinized for posing barely clothed. It’s bullshit that men can pose in clearly sexual campaigns and it’s just whatever, but women are forced to choose between making the

I think the bigger question is why so many female celebrities are asked to pose in various states of undress for magazines in the first place. Like, I doubt Emma Watson walked into this photo shoot and was like “please make sure my boobs are on display at some point, k? thx.” It seems to be almost accepted that, at

Douglas Adams was a prophet. Everything he wrote about the President of the Galaxy could be said for the Orange One. Especially the part about:

I’m truly shocked at the lack of comparisons between Trump and Beeblebrox, but maybe I’ve just missed them.

The longer he tweets, the more I’m reminder of that other great reality star turned President, Zaphod Beeblebrox…

Certainly funnier than his Lucky Man one.

Yes, yes he did. Among other Marvel and DC properties.

Confirmed: Ariana Grande is Cable

“Great power comes great responsibility.”-Ben Parker

Welcome to the Cult of Deadpool. We’ve been waiting for you.

That’s...that’s HORRIBLE. That man DIED.

What’s really weird about that is that he doesn’t even need it; there’s at least three inches of the narrow half sticking through the loop. What’s even weirder is that he doesn’t know how to roll the tape inside out so he could stick it to the back of the narrow part instead if he simply must use tape.

Apropros of nothing, I can’t stand Kelso when I’m sober but love him when I’m high. It’s the weirdest thing.

Ugh, I wish Markle would leave now. Rachel’s boring and useless and has been dragging down the show since her character got serious with Mike.

Her wardrobe on this show was my absolutely dream wardrobe. If I could only have 1/4 of that level of style

It wasn’t just the dresses themselves though. It was the way she rocked them. (Need to practice the “Jessica strut.”)

Still wish she’d been cast as Wonder Woman.

Her suits/dresses were so fly!

I am 100% here for this b/c I am here for all things Gina Torres. She is so bomb. Yet despite having worked consistently for all these years, it seems she doesn’t get her “propers.” I’m excited to see what Jessica will be wearing in the new series! And doing, of course. :)

Jessica Pearson is the hero we need in 2017, so I’m here for it.