The whole supposed “left wing” motivation was absurd from the start. As if he murdered 9 people to support Elizabeth Warren’s health care plan.
The whole supposed “left wing” motivation was absurd from the start. As if he murdered 9 people to support Elizabeth Warren’s health care plan.
I am not an Anna Wintour fan, but this is epic level shade. She doesn’t even mention Melania, all she talks about is Michelle Obama and her style. To me, that’s worse than if Anna called Melania a tasteless harpy.
Just a thought. Michelle had millions and had “fantastic stylists and access to top notch fashion.” And the Trumps say they have Billions and as such have access to less? Is that the point you were making here?
Quibble with ‘wealth’ - she wore lots of off the rack - J. Crew etc.
In fairness, that’s probably what his hands feel like.
Just because Michelle has money and designers doesn’t mean she wasn’t involved in choosing what she wore or who made those pieces, which is where her influence comes in and her taste shows. Melania, I’m sure, has designers and tailors and is still dressed like an embarrassment
That was so incredibly shady...and I live for it.
Nice burn Anna, nice burn
I hope this couple has a messy, acrimonious, and very costly divorce within a year.
She’s the typical “I’m just saying.....” conservative racist. “I’m just asking questions”, like it’s not racist at all but rather just opening up lines of academic inquiry. For someone who purports to be studying political science, she’s smart enough to play that little game and get all the fellow MAGAts to believe…
“I’m da fadder, I’m da fadder”. Fucking knuckle draggers on Staten Island.
I just had an amazing revelation. Trump dresses the way he does because every domestic public event is like he’s attending an outer-borough wedding held at a tacky venue like one of his golf clubs. He has to “dress up” but the clothes don’t fit and he, and the other attendees, don’t seem to notice, because what…
Immediately. But I am embarrassed to admit that I only knew the term from reading Bertrice Small’s probably problematic bodice rippers.
I mean, if you willingly choose a Trump place as your venue, you’re already broadcasting to everyone that you’re a huge bigot
Has the phrase “droit du seigneur” occurred to anyone but me?
Nah. Instagram should be renamed Sahara Desert because everyone in it is thirsty as fuck.
Thoughts on Ireland Baldwin’s tattoos? She’s got one of David Bowie (as Ziggy Stardust, who I’m pretty sure Bowie retired before she was born) and Hello Kitty (which tells me she’s evil).
“She was a good teacher though.”