My speed3 is happy

Covering the headlights while driving should be illegal.

Someone cut off Ballaban’s access to the Keurig, please.

Thanks Tom, this is going to be one of my handful of “go-to” articles anytime I’ve been reading Jalopnik for too long and begin to yearn for something more awesome than my boring-ass but reliable 10 year-old owned-outright sedan.

Here’s a question: Why the hell don’t people just save and then buy what they want instead of putting everything on credit? So you don’t have to ever worry about being underwater on anything? If the answer is “because people don’t have money”, then that’s obviously not true, because credit card companies wouldn’t be

Hell, I’d settle for the hatch.

Higher quality. Facebook is probably an extremely easy medium, but the compression they do to their videos is horrendous. YouTube live streaming is a much better route.

Authenticity. Take all of the comments you're about to receive, and then ignore most of them and do what YOU want to do. The Smoking Tire, Saabkyle, and Chris Harris are all incredible when it comes to video, all doing totally different things. They're successful because they let their real personalities shine through

This needs no introduction...

If there was ever an article that just needed to be a list.

I myself was hoping to start an aftermarket vinyl face sticker business for Model 3 customers... you know, to fund my Model S. >:)


What? I certainly wouldn’t have had a problem with wall-to-wall Forza, NFS, Gran Turismo, iRacing, etc... on Kotaku for a day. :P

Who are the Sixers?

It’s simple, really.

1/2 situations in which Men use the toilet require the seat to be down (unless you shit standing up, which...is just impressive)

2/2 situations in which Women use the toilet require the seat to be down.

Therefore 3/4 times the toilet seat needs to be down.

edit: holy fuck people I’m not saying Men

honest question, but why should men be burdened to put the seat down and not women put the seat up? Really not sure where that comes from.

Well my buddy and I were both aviation electronics technicians in the Navy and got close to the jets every day. Oh wait...that's not what you meant.

Well chimps have come a long way with the design on the straws they use to eat ants.

oh no! the engine will get wet!

That’s a lot of innuendo for a short caption.

For reference, this is the Oklahoma City airport. They were landing on 17L (heading North to South on the right-most runway), so it doesn’t look like they had any better option (Runway 31 would have just had the same problem with the wind from the left). You can see the remains of a disused runway that would have been