No it cannot be done. You cannot serve 4k video reliably and quickly to a million devices a second in every part of the world for free, which is what Youtube (or another 3rd party like Vimeo) offers.
No it cannot be done. You cannot serve 4k video reliably and quickly to a million devices a second in every part of the world for free, which is what Youtube (or another 3rd party like Vimeo) offers.
Do you think Youtubers understand how to host a 4k video so it is served reliably and quickly to a million devices a second in every part of the world? For free. Matt Farah will probably be very surprised at the bandwidth costs his credit card will be charged if he puts one of his videos on apublic s3 or gcs bucket…
Maybe it just isn’t the game for you, if you want constant action.
I just think of total price. However capital and labor split that is between them.
Same. I liked how you can just jump into a car, get to your destination, walk out, and continue with your life. The app automatically settling everything.
Why so angry?
Are you a “proactive” driver? Do you talk to other drivers while you’re driving?
lol, new writer
I wish this video was better in that it just focused on the part comparing traffic with fluid dynamics. That way I can share it with people who are less intelligent about driving.
Or one: debt
This review is very objective and rational. Like a Automobile or Car and Driver review. I think it needs more Jalopnik satire flavor.
True, ISIS attacks civilians because they are so much weaker militarily. They’re not “fair” fighters (where “fair” is their soldier with an AK-47 fighting one of ours with a MQ-9 Reaper drone).
More like, “Islamic extremist attack on people attacking the Islamic State.”
You feel more secure on top of a horse than inside a car?
Same. Less paint less weight!
Yes. You can almost even make the same arguments they made with cars vs horses. Computers don’t get tired, get sleepy, get distracted, etc. while humans do.
I don’t think I’ve ever failed to notice the broad-side of a tractor trailer.
Yeah, I live in Vegas and when I went to San Francisco for a bachelor party I was genuinely surprised that the strip clubs there close.