My speed3 is happy

The reason I’m against this idea is that civilians in Mosul are not able to “vote with their feet” because the rebels won’t let them leave. Also you’re condemning anybody who can’t hitch a ride across the desert on the last pickup truck out of town to death, so like the sick and the weak, the elderly and disabled,

Marines LOVE it when attacked directly. We greatly prefer that to the enemy sneaking around in civvies waiting to take a few cheap pot-shots. Our typical engegement range is over 300 meters with small-arms. I highly doubt isis has any riflemen capable of fighting at range against a Marine. I do at least give them

Computers control traffic lights.

There is never a T for turbo... a 300D is designated as turbo or nonturbo by the trunk badge on the right side, which reads either “Diesel” or “Turbo Diesel”. A 300TD denotes a wagon, whereas a Mercedes has never been badged as 300DT, 300CDT, or 300TDT.

Wow, and no iphone cracking required!

My old Subaru Justy

Congratulations, Mr. JimZ, on COTD today! I would like to gift you with a not tiny Honda which this lovely lady will deliver after she finishes tasting it.

And, of course, the guy’s understanding of what “as is” means is completely wrong. It merely means there is no implied warranty of merchantability. This is a simple matter of contract law and those internet postings are fatal to the seller’s case. The As Is WILL NOT HELP HIM IN THAT REGARD.

If things get really serious, the backseat passenger can upend a box of hand grenades out the side door.

I think by now it’s safe to say that Mr. Regular of Regular Car Reviews has been the total antithesis of this, albeit accurate, generalization of YouTube reviewers.

This is one of the reasons why I like RCR. They don’t do the whole youtube standard car review crap.

The most hilarious scenario is Republicans stop the nomination of a new Justice, Hilary wins and nominates Obama.
I’m pretty sure I’d die laughing.

Here it is, two days later, and I still haven’t started reading this tab…

As always, thanks for the thoughtful insight, Tyler.

Why is the police officer’s approach edited out of the video? At 0:45 - 0:50, watch how he comes out his car, then fades out and then reappears next to the door.

I always love this conversation:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,

Learn about logic before trying to make arguments like that, Jason. You have multiple logical fallacies in your reply, which is disgusting. Lets start:

As someone who valeted, then supervised valets, at a high end Chicago establishment during my college years, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk.