LaxSex-O-Lette (every gray is a 5th column Illuminist)

In particular I’m almost obsessed with the wtf-ness of Standard Reality Hair. The fave style—super-long tresses hanging over the front shoulders (leaving the back of one’s neck almost bare), then sort of trailing down the boobs—bothers me way more than it should. Reasons? Um... The look shortens neck/shoulder

Seems to me that almost everyone in the world of generic Reality TV franchises—Housewives, Teen Moms, Bachelorettes, scary Christian cultists, &c—shares that grammatical quirk (along w/a evening-dress-in-daytime dress code, & an overwhelming preference for 1970s-throwback female hairstyles). It’s very weird, & deeply

You have a point: ST is a way more enticing binge-watch! The vagueness of its spooky-ooky aspect, tho, was a big disappointment to me—they showed too much of something that didn’t deserve to be seen, & it made the threat seem not very real, or very threatening. Seems like making Poltergeist, & deciding to spend a

Oh, please! Would tot read a (brief) epic poem about Milania. Hers is a name made for blank verse, & RHONJ is terrific fodder for a catalog of demons...

It’s an Alien/NWO/Illuminati thing. Nothing to fash oneself about ;).

Fine. If it’s really that significant in the overall scheme of our govt, Mel & Bill can formalize their positions in a Presiential-Spouse Debate. &, um... would watch.

In the primaries, supporting Bernie was a reasonable strategy for left-leaning dems determined to make their views & numbers known to the likely—& right-center—nominee. Gawker/Jez have rarely ignored Sanders’ weaknesses, though; in fact they certainly helped me gain insights into his shortcomings. After the nom of

What kept me watching til the end was the kids’ engaging performances, & a sense that W Ryder really was credible in her role.

IME, a stand-in shouldn’t be that hard to find. They’re just looking in the wrong places.

Am old enough to have had boyfriends in the pre-Internet age, but many/most were influenced by porn even then. With the caveat that those olden-dayes bfs were into vanilla stuff like Playboy, 80s softcore, & classic Roger Corman flicks, exposure to porn only seemed to pique their interest in experimenting. Whether the

Indeed. Usually am too embarrassed to be a fangirl, but Shade Court is in the Public Interest. Also:

Oh, Jill, Jill, Jill. Bless your heart for thinking your shifty vaxx position comprises the most urgently problematic aspect of your candidacy.

Not (just the tribute of a recidivist slacker to Disco-Tex & the Sexolettes—cause despite being more about Sly, PFunk & punk, who can NOT <3 that name!). The lacrosse vibe is cool, though: at 7 I had a wild passion for Enid Blyton’s English boarding-school books—& plotwise, lacrosse was the quidditch of Mallory Towers

Mainly because it clarifies the issue to a crucial point: LACK OF CONSENT. No man or woman should have to experience that, but when it does happen, a lightbulb goes on. They cannot not get it after that.

Holy f-ck. Always knew I didn’t do college the right way, but til now, hadn’t a clue that it might have hinged on a neglect of freshman dorm decor :(.

Mine tend to be more dickish than bitchy. Like, “Imma push this thing off the counter, because I can, & it amuses me to do so” or, “Of course I’m smacking the Cub’s tail w/my paw; it’s right in reach when he walks by.” It’s not a grouchy, aggro-type ‘tude so much as a dedicated egocentric hedonism.

Absolutely. Am super-picky about brownies, & have a pathetically vivid memory where desserts are involved.... Anyway, the ONE time I ate Special brownies was back in the Jurassic era, when I was age 17. Despite the vast passage of time, can still clearly recall that a) the effect registered as “intense” even to a teen

Really? Mine get super-rowdy on nothing more than premium catnip, so this is good to know. If NY ever gets its cannabis act together (ie chills about only issuing Rxs for terminal diseases), edibles will be kept in serious lockdown from the paws of my furry lil’ psychonauts...

Can’t find it especially heinous, but there’s something clunky & juvenile about the note—& their publicizing of it—that co0mes off as... inelegant? tl:dr—not funny enough to pass ;).

THIS. Ashley is a Palm Artiste.