
Thanks for pointing that out. I also did a double-take.
Pedantic link:

fan of Lifehacker for some time but, yeah, I hate this format. Always have.

if they need to give me something gimmicky, they should lean in more on the slideshow.

I’m hoping someone can help me out here.
A ton of people are vaxxed and to be clear, that’s my family and I too, and the infection rate has skyrocketed. However the hospitalization and death rate has plummeted as predicted post-vax (at least for the vaxxed).

How the hell are the mal-informed disputing the stats? These

Or Kate Beckinsale. Very close resemblance. Of course I don’t know her stance on vaxxing though...

I’m surprised the RMNJs haven’t targeted an actual daycare/nursery school yet. I can see the posts now:

These so-called trackers are only used for targeted Facebook and Google ads that we run to promote GETTR, and as part of our remarketing efforts designed to encourage people to return to our platform. This information is not shared with anyone else. As for data analytics, they are strictly used for internal

Hey - sorry for the super late response. Just wanted to let you know I didn’t think you came off as crazy. I legit meant “I appreciate the perspective.”

Happy new year

thanks for your thoughtful response. I appreciate the perspective.

I get where you’re coming from and I am re-examining my relationship with alcohol. On the flipside, objectively, I don’t agree with this:

I haven’t watched everything you listed but for the overlap I have, I strongly agree.

Damn, sums it up nicely.

Good point - I didn’t even think of that at first.


So, to be clear:

Now, will she take that angle with Nicki Minaj?

I recently had to chunk up a steel-belted tire and it was not easy. I ended up using a circular saw with a special blade. Not easy and possibly not even an option in the wild.

Oh man, good point.

Yeah, I am a big Inhumans fan and that TV Series...just “Ouch”. I made myself get through it and it was hard. I feel bad for the actors having to be associated with it.

I’m still in disbelief over how she defended Trump given the way Trump disrespected her father in some of the worst ways possible. I don’t get it.

Among my friends:
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