
I’m pretty sure Martha thinks everyone who isn’t Martha is lazy. She gardens, she bakes, she judges.

I’m pretty sure throwing a cell phone into the Aegean is how Dionysius was born.

Dear Lame Giant,

Now playing

The BBC did a montage of Serena reading her favourite poem, ‘And Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou.

We shouldn’t put any female athlete in a box. Why do we have to be limited to just female athletes? We all work really hard. We just want to be known as just athletes.

She also just won doubles with Venus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More like...Slay-rena Williams.

I decided to rule out covers.

So real talk: weight gain or loss should be an off-limits section of writing, especially when a woman is carrying twins, WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THE TWO BABIES WERE GOING TO GROW. “Bellied out like a sail” Jesus Christ. Also the way he describes women makes it clear he is still waiting for his manic pixie dream

I know the answer! They’re written by boners, for boners.

Quite frankly, the internet has been nothing but a blessing for hate groups and for bigots. Yes, overall the internet has had a democratizing effect and I do think it has led to people in general becoming more liberal. But it has also led to people being reinforced in their crazy ideas in a way that was literally

I really want to believe that these kind of assholes have been around forever, we just didn’t get blasted in the face by thier bullshit. In the 90s we had the militia movement (rather funny how these kind of people only seem to have issues with the government when the left is in charge) which had moments of spotlight,

Once again confirming that I, a person whose ancestors were brought to U.S. shores 200+ years ago—long before the immigrant ancestors of many a white person—am still not a “Real American” with the rights of full citizenship. Thanks, Joe Walsh, for reminding me.

“Real America”

i love and respect you but you’re on the wrong side of history here.

I need to go find some place where I can just scream my head off for about two hours, without anyone checking to see if I need help.

If they’re Muslim it’s a terrorist attack. If they’re black, it’s BLM’s fault. If they’re white they’re mentally ill. If they’re Mexican, we need to build a wall to keep them out.

They were, in the midst of chaos, STILL nobly doing their jobs. And that’s the thing: most cops, when they were 5 and in their underoos, dreamed of being the “good guy”. We just gotta stop making them be the arm of white supremacy in the commission of their duties. Allow these folks the opportunity to not make a

The best part of Keonna’s exclusive interview with Us Weekly is how many times she talks about her successful cheerleading “career” versus his big man on campus on the basketball team. You see, ladies, this is what happens when you peak in high school. Girl, sit down.

The only person I feel bad for in this situation is the baby, and it’s not even born yet, but is probably embarrassed by these shenanigans.