
I understand the thin blue line. I understand that cops think, “That coulda been me. Mistake made. Gotta support my brother.” But I’m a public school teacher. If I found out that a teacher was fucking a student, there’d be no way that my knee-jerk response would be, “Well...you have to understand that...” Give me a

Get your money!

Me too. Hope her ‘undisclosed sum’ of a settlement is fucking bananas!

Two things:

Where are the feminazis when you need us Gretchen?!

I will only believe it when I hear it from the dogs.

+1000000000 stars to you.

This, however, is a totally respectful and acceptable use for the flag...(to be clear, I really don't care about flag bikinis, just like I don't care about the picture of the dogs sitting on the flag. This is all very ridiculous)

God the nationalism in this country is fucking ridiculous. FUCKING RIDICULOUS. And guess what? SOLDIERS AREN’T ALWAYS HEROES. Everybody can kiss my ass!

WORDDDD!!! And I guess, yes on the baby powder....

The punishment for sex offenses is not public execution. The process against someone carrying an illegal weapon does not involve murdering them. The facts you are bringing up are irrelevant to this story because they have nothing to do with getting gunned down by two policemen who probably won’t even be questioned

But the cops didn't know any of that when they arrived on the scene. He could have been a serial killer and this shooting would have still be unjustified.

“...officers were usually given “a day or so to go home and think about it get their stories straight” before being interviewed.”

Anyone who actually has an issue with this needs to take a deep breath and contemplate their priorities in life.

Does that look like a towel to anyone else?

Those woofles are extremely snuggable and cute, that’s my only takeaway here, really.

But its ok to wear it as a swimsuit.

I was just thinking that. It makes Kim look even weirder. Kim looks fine in most posed photos still, but when she’s on film moving or the photos are candid, she’s starting to look very odd.

Can we give Kourtney some kind of award for being to only one to hold onto what appears to be the face she was born with?