
$100 grand seems too low of an amount to sue for considering they slammed a girl suffering from brain tumors head to the ground. Here’s a photo of her during arrest:

yes, when I see the caliber of my local TSA agents, my homeland security fears are assuaged.

Or they can stop hiring people who can’t get jobs as greeters at Walmart.

They caused a head injury to a deaf, partially blind teenager with a brainstem tumor. GOOD JOB, ASSHOLES.

“Passengers can call ahead of time to learn more about the screening process for their particular needs or medical situation.”

I’m getting my cat’s paw tattooed on my wrist.... right where she used to pat my arm and ask for attention.

It’s not a good look to Ye, because every time you write about this rapist, they gonna mention Kanye.

I don’t know who this person is or the details of the rape accusations but as a PSA Note to all men: if you want people to think you’re NOT a mysoginistic asshole try not to use the word “bitch” when denying that you’re a rapist.

FUCK Ian Connor forever and ever. In addition to being a rapist, dude has no talent, surfs by on other people’s waves, and is in general a tremendous douchebag. I hope he dies alone on a garbage barge.

People keep insulting her “baldness” when they troll her on Twitter. I just don’t understand it because she looks bomb with shaved hair.

If the FDA would like to recommend a better way to eat my feelings I’d love to hear it.

hey FDA- FUCK YOU. i’ve eaten about 1,00,000 pounds of raw cookie dough and i’m still standing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so in love with her. :,(

This is from my Internet boyfriend Tim Simons (Jonah on Veep), making me desperately wish I could be BFFs with all these people:

You know, at 72, I probably wouldn’t want to spend the last several years of my life fighting against a rapist that I would much rather forget. I respect her decision.

why are you going around demanding people who are asking for justice somehow turn into members of Congress? I imagine it’s so when they don’t have a perfectly fleshed out answer for you, you can pounce on them as uninformed and reactionary. Just looking for that GOTCHA, instead of engaging in intelligent discourse.

No words to express my horror at peoples’ lack of decency. This goes beyond a lack of decency - everyone who posted pictures of her should be arrested. Peoples’ need to one-up each other with shock value on social media has gone too far, it’s sick and perverted.

I am eagerly awaiting Kanye’s next album, which will just be 10 hours of white noise combined with syncopated sneezing and random syllables from the Buñuel film Un Chien Andalou. Because Kanye has hit his Important Artist phase.

So who’s real and who’s just a waxen mold with expertly sculpted nipples?