
Yeah...I’d always felt sorry for him as it seemed like he’d been seriously warped by abuse (not that it excuses him), and I always assumed he was like a kid who didn’t know how to handle his impulses and should have been in a mental institution where he couldn’t hurt anyone. This...this is something else.

In their report, authorities described photos of children bleeding, in pain and tormented.

I like being in the grays. It’s the only part of my life that feels ~~edgy~~ and **dangerous**. ;)

People were like that until he died. He was Wacko Jacko and then was re-deified after he died.

White privilege

So, uh... Can we stop worshiping this shitbrick as some sort of legend now?

This. I am so confused.

Isn’t possession of child porn in itself a crime? Why wasn’t he arrested if the police found all that stuff?

This dirt bag needs a brain bleach chaser:

“...but after it was discovered that the foreman at the first trial was a survivor of statutory rape, the both cases was overturned, resulting in a retrial.”

It’s spelled ‘truly’, as in ‘It’s truly the case that when people mistype a homophonous word, it’s often not because they’re confused, but rather that the muscle memory in their fingers has its own ideas. And pointing out a spelling error that didn’t get in the way of your understanding what they were communicating is

“There is a family on my street. . . “

Unfortunately, the Amish community houses a large percentage of the worst and most horrific puppy mills in the country, so it’s almost certainly more of an Amish thing than a serial killer thing (though the Amish community has also had massive problems with ignoring and covering up rape and sexual abuse, so probably

I’m guessing the puppy mill and the underage sex slaves things are related. As is almost always the case with serial killers, they start abusing animals first. I think it’s to test the waters, to see if anyone is keeping track, before they move on human victims.

Doubtful, especially since the creepy dad claims he searched the internet to make sure it was legal to sell his underage daughter. I’m thinking they may not have been the most faithful Amish.

Someone posted this on GT yesterday, and I’m still reeling.

You expect her to shit in the same toilet every day like some kind of fucking peasant? Queen Bey needs many thrones.

This looks close to me. Comes in sizes up to XXL

Happy-go-fuck yourself, sir.

20 minutes out of a life is actually a really long time to violate someone when you consider that you can kill in seconds. Time isn’t indicative of harm.