
The best solution to mass shootings is mandatory full body armor in public as well as in your home around family/friends. The only time you can take it off is when locked alone in your secure safe room. Any maybe some sort of loophole regarding alone in secure locked bathrooms so you can take it off to shower. Maybe.

I once saw a United desk agent call the police on a passenger who (fairly calmly) insisted he finally be put on a flight after getting bumped - two days before.

People who don’t silence their phones/watch movies on planes without headphones deserve to be shot into space.

Let me wildly venture an explanation for U.S. airlines’ failure:

This is upsetting.

How many tabloids do you think pulled their pregnant Jen cover story in light of her comments?

Oh shit. Now I have to worry about people thinking my face is collapsing if I’m not smiling.

Ohhhh, I see what the problem is now. He cray. So cray.

There are clouds behind the sun! You can’t explain that!

“wait a minute, wait a damn minute...”

This is one of those moments where you think you have a great idea but really need to cool your tits and tell yourself, “maybe don’t.”

That is how you issue an apology. None of this "I am sorry if you got offended" bullshit, just straight up "This was wrong, we are upset, please accept our apology and we will remove this guy."

That jacket...

I love how dude right beside him gives him that “wait a minute, wait a damn minute...WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING” look. This is my new favorite thing of 2016.


Might want to remind people that Scalia never hesitated to express a political opinion. So there is precedent.

When someone eloquently shoots you down and the best you’ve got in response is that what they said was “very dumb” - I wouldn’t go implying that the other person’s mind is shot. Just saying.

Yes Natalie because when I hear the terms “news professional” and “journalist”, the first thing I think of is Access Hollywood.

I feel you, JoJo.

I’m feeling that too because it does seem like that’s the case and there’s lots of us who feel that way and honestly, we could use a few more famous and/or influential people saying it. I realize it’s not any of our business and I’m now speculating just like a tabloid but if it is true, I wish at forty fucking seven