
Because abusers can’t stand to see their victims gain any kind of control. He’d rather see her suffer than save face.

My heart bleeds for Kesha. Fuck that guy. I can only hope that the house of cards is truly and fully tumbling down on him now.

And I’d still listen all goddamn day.

It’s a very childish interpretation of god, no? If only she could see how infantilized she sounds, both in dealing with her sexuality and her idea of what god cares about. Sex is not candy before lunch, lady. And god is not your mom.

That’s so Raven.

I hated it. Gaga does Minelli doing Bowie. But I also thought her Sound of Music tribute at the Oscars was overly affected and show-casey.

I’ve crawled into a ball and wanted to die over much less significant things than losing a fight.

I started to make a comment contrasting Taylor’s reaction to missing a note to Adele’s: tears vs. fuck it, I’m going to eat a burger. My point that as you get older, things like that aren’t so tragic, but WTF, Adele is only one year older than Taylor. For some reason I thought Taylor was still in her late teens.

To pigs? I know those lil cutie pies

“Pimp My Butterfly”

My favorite line in “Blacker The Berry” will always be “You vandalize my perception but can’t take style from me.”

Kanye is a disaster of a human but I find Taylor Swift annoying. Her convenient feminism that only applies to her when her feelings get hurt and her “protect me” because I’m a little girl thing and that’s why you shouldn’t make fun of her fragile feelings is insufferable.

Presented without comment (except that Zoe Kravitz’s caption is perfect 😂😂; CARRRRROOOOOL):

“Both of these artists remain insufferable.”

After this damn gift that he gave to us, he didn’t win?? How in the universe is her album better than To Pimp a Butterfly?

Can black artists just please continue to lay the politics on thick? I would just love it if every major performance post Formation is just like ‘and you thouhght Beyoncé at the Super Bowl was intense?’.

bwahah can’t wait for the response from hip hop experts Rudy Giuliani et al now

Stfu with that “must be gay” rubbish. Lots of people of avoid sex, with people of the opposite sex, for lots of varied reasons. And, uh, their sexual orientations or desires or personal views on sex are none of your goddamn business. So, if you don't simply take them at their word as to their motivations, and take the