
Me either. My late, sweet, aunt had the most southern of southern Mississippi drawls. It seemed as if it took her 10 minutes to get three words out. She wasn’t stupid and she was nobody’s damned fool either.

interviewers don’t typically ask Beyoncé her thoughts on benghazi, tax reform, nuclear physics, etc. she is a pop superstar, people talk to her about her music, her child, and her equally famous husband. she tends to speak slowly and with a drawl, as many southern women do. to write off an entire demographic of people

Screw Dead Lobster, real Southern folk satisfy our seafood cravings at Captain D’s. If it’s a regular fish craving we find a catfish restaurant.

All those digs at her intelligence due to her speaking style (because I can’t recall a time where she’s actually said something unintelligent) come from a place of classicism and racism. Nothing more, nothing less.

There is one thing and one thing only to do: You accept that you can’t control his behavior, and stop arguing with him about it. This is like trying to teach a pig to sing.

So I got a text from an unknown (to me) 917-area code number at 5.40AM today. “Catastrophic attempt at a colonoscopy yesterday. Will email details.”

You must eat as many cheddar biscuits as possible while at Red Lobster. It’s essential to the mimesis.


This video was so goddamn black it’s not funny. I’m not southern, but my roots are, and that bit with the girls dancing in the shorts gave me flashbacks to the cheer and dance squads we used to have in the hood. Beyonce is black. Black as the bottom of your grandmama’s cast-iron skillet. Blackity black, black, black.

The song is meh if you’re looking to something to belt in the car or dance along to.

Could be worse.

As much as I’d like a women president just so that society could start getting over seeing a women in charge as a threat, I appreciate that we should elect the best option, not the only option.

I don’t think Elizabeth Warren is boy-crazy, Steinem. I don’t think far-left women are boy-crazy. I think they’re just socialist.

Pretty horrible, but sums up what many Hilary supporters believe. Somehow because I’m a woman I should be voting for Hilary because she’s one as well. Or I’m sexist because I don’t vote for Hilary. Everyone wants to talk about BernieBros, but Clinton supporters are just as bad (if not worse) when it comes to these

I totally chilled a friendship with a co-worker after she told me about the shit she put her dog through while she was at work. She got this husky puppy as a Christmas present (“’cause they’re SOOO cute!”) and then kept it in a crate all day when she was gone because he was “super destructive.” When the neighbors

No they don’t. But he’s totally within his rights to speak on this. And what he’s saying is 100% true. He’s being supportive and coming from a place of marginalization himself as a black person in our society. The idea that he should just keep quiet on this strikes me as really counter-productive. A black actor can

I’m starting to think the Oscars are actually going to be pretty entertaining this year. I can’t imagine Chris Rock not openly giving the Academy major shit during the broadcast.

She got a dick pic when it was actually took some effort. I’m grossed out but also I marvel at the work involved. Wow.

A post has been making the Facebook rounds about a woman who sends pictures of her shits to guys who send her dick pics.