
*Something something gay fish*



So who the hells face is on whatsherface’s arm?


do you even know who Rita Ora is?





The last time Jennifer Lawrence played anything other than Jennifer Lawrence was Winter’s Bone. Completely disagree that she’s good at pretending to be somebody else. Meryl Streep is ridiculously talented and her various roles/transformations are proof of that. They’re not even on the same planet.

Let’s all attack a white dude for being pissed off at racism. Let’s make fun of him for addressing it and using what capabilities he has to try to change at least one mind.

Seriously. I want to know how many of the people jumping on him are actual people of color versus how many are grandstanding whites who want to out-ally an obvious ally.

This is a rare feeling for me, but does he really deserve this level of vitriol? Like I get it, his tweets were incredibly naive and definitely speak to the cloud of privilege he must have lived in his entire life, but also the fact that he was disturbed by what he saw suggests to me that he has at least a shred of

He actually became one of the best parts of Broad City for me. Second only to Ilana.

Lincoln appreciation GIF thread?

I have a theory that Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t actually have sex with the huge number of women he brings back to his room, he just really likes board games.

But I do agree with you that they’ve been bad in the past, too. Remember when Crash won?