Very Stable Real Man of Genius

Yes, because failsons of successful men never get opportunity after opportunity despite failing every time.

That Pibb guy, on the other hand, was just some wanker off the street.

“Vandegrift High School” come on this cannot be real

Quitting like this at 23 years old is so Millennial, Falcon.

Victim-less? Hmmm, I guess. Aside from the groups she specifically victimized with her meat-headed screeching (Asians, Mexicans, Jews, those with very publicly acknowledged mental health concerns...), you’re right. No victims, just the pure Light of Christ shining Truth upon the world.

Praise be! Hallelujah white, blue-eyed Jesus, who I know loves our flag and our troops as much as I do!

A big part of the expansion of Evangelism came from Southerners setting up their own schools because they didn’t accept the end of segregation.

Way, way less credible since the guy that’s made Dr. Pepper was a pharmacist.  

The issue is when they start congregating in centers of power, like DC.

She went to “Vandegrift High School.” It’s right there on the tin.

Liberty University is about as credible a university as Dr. Pepper is being an actual doctor.

RT if Jesus Christ is your lord and savior!

And one more:

Speaking as one of the oldest Boomers (born 1949, if you can believe that) not all Boomers are evil. The earliest Boomer president was, let’s see... George W. Bush, followed by Bill Clinton and then... Donald Trump. Ok, I got nothin’.

How dare people scoot around my city! You’ll take a 3000 lb sled for all your short trips around our urban center and you’ll like it!”

Because this crime is some straight-up Boomer bullshit. Endangering the lives of strangers because you don’t like the way an affordable method of transit looks on the sidewalks in your neighborhood? Peak Boomer dickhead selfishness. You would literally never see a Millennial do something like this. We’d just find

Jesus Christ, don’t call people “boss.” It reveals you as a person who isn’t clever enough to be manipulative in a subtle manner.

I saw this headline and honestly thought this was some new rapper getting reported on for stealing a watch. So confused until I understood that OGC Nice was a football team, lol. 

The Lions in that “aww lookit this adorable scrappy team” category that will make some noise and stay in games but ulimately yes, they will find ways to “return to their normal state of being the Lions.”  Good point.