after he instigated things (he once tweeted about having the PB pose as Antifa to start violence), and the “concrete milkshakes” stuff has been proved to be BS.
after he instigated things (he once tweeted about having the PB pose as Antifa to start violence), and the “concrete milkshakes” stuff has been proved to be BS.
this year, yes, which was the first time I’ve seen it at PP and in the TA.
the founder of a major conversion therapy organization came out as gay and said it’s BS. He’s not the first to do this either nor the first non-Catholic priest to do it.
I’d be totally cool and probably join if the TA wanted to hold an anti-fascist rally outside of the stadium before the game with whatever symbol they wanted. Why does it have to extend to inside the stadium though? It’s not like the PB or PP idiots are watching on TV or even inside the stadium.
here’s my issue: if the PB/PP want to come into the stadium and fly the flags they have co-opted (e.g. the Betsy Ross flag) as their own do they have to be allowed?
no, those signs have been around for years. It’s specifically this symbol that represents a specific political ideology.
As someone who sits in the Timbers Army regularly, and is a liberal and supports Kaepernick and Megan Rapinoe, et al, this whole thing is annoying the fuck out of me. Before the “controversy” I never saw the “Iron Front”symbol displayed at Timbers matches in 7 seasons of attending games. But when MLS cracked down on…
the Bar was pure hell but passing it was euphoric. I didn’t know when results were coming out so I’m just pacing around like a caged tiger when my wife calls screaming “you passed!” I didn’t believe her. It wasn’t until my buddy in the AG’s office called to congratulate me that I knew it was real.
I had an old co-worker who lived in his parents’ basement after graduation and signed his emails “Attorney [first name] [middle name] [last name],J.D., Esq. Douchebag. And he was in WI, where you don’t even take the Bar. He’ll never know that misery of studying all summer, taking it and then waiting 6-8 weeks to get…
one of my co-workers once called me “doctor” as a compliment because I have a JD and I told him “lawyers are not known as doctors so while I appreciate it, it isn’t necessary.” One thing I definitely refused to ever go by was “Esquire.” You might as well call me Chad if I went by that.
that’s just the type of person she is. She demanded a handicapped parking permit because she’s only 4-9 (she has no neck) and technically that qualifies her, but she’s not handicapped so she was denied. She also starts every sentence with “well I went to Harvard, and...” (e.g. “well, I went to Harvard and I’ll have…
I’m 43 so it’s all good.
you never know. My wife’s sister (I refuse to acknowledge any type of relationship) has answered that question in the affirmative because she’s a doctor; Ph.D in history. Yes, she’s that obnoxious and full of herself.
My sister-in-law has actually responded in the affirmative. She is a doctor...of History. That’s just how big of a (in my wife’s words) self-important twat that she is.
when I moved to far eastern Queens (Whitestone: the angriest place on earth) I was discussing my misery with a minister friend. His advice was “be an asshole without becoming an asshole.” Wise words to live by.
in law school it was made very clear to us we were not to announce ourselves as lawyers or even try to do the work of a lawyer before we graduated. I would think it’s the same for med school.
In law school we were told very explicitly we could not represent ourselves as being a lawyer until we completed our degrees.
I take if you were older than 12 when you attended Penn State if that’s your best memory.
Mike Pence goes diving on Mother...only after Mother has attached the strap-on. Come on, you all know that’s a fact.