Very Stable Real Man of Genius

as a lifelong Lions fan (thanks, Dad) what is even more pathetic than one playoff win in 62 years, wasting Barry and Calvin Johnson, having one of our best o-linemen killed while mowing his front yard, drafting three WR’s in three consecutive first rounds, bring the Tiffany Trump of our division, etc., is that they

Too not white for that.

I always fuck with her by saying this, mainly because we’ve chosen not to have kids (need to make it permanent). But no, I’d stay, probably.

North Island of New Zealand for me if I ever knock up my wife. I’ll blend in better than somewhere in SE Asia.

You’re just realizing that women can be incredibly nasty and backstabbing towards other women on juries (or presidential elections)?

And OJ was acquitted by a jury too.

do they have statues  honoring them?

The city’s biggest celebrities are all local news anchors.

with it looking like that I guess she won a contest?

Brady better watch out for Gisselle’s possible motives when he meets her family, or else this is his post-retirement future. 

deep dish is the only kind “exported.” that I know of. From MI, lived in WI (and Giordano’s opened near campus and we used to CRUSH that shit!) and STL and now on the west coast. Have only had or seen deep dish representing Chicago in those areas.

I’m pretty sure much of it was. It kept labor costs down. 

I like it, but call it what it is: casserole

The new Bears logo:

they should just sign these two and embrace the Double Doink:

More like 45 is his IQ.

Fish Throwers:

Just have a giant Hitler mascot roaming the sidelines, he was a monster, it works!

my buddy was sent to Houston for a year as a part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. When I applied for a job in Houston I asked him about it and his response was “our entire group made a promise to one another that we’d never let each other live in Houston.” I withdrew my application.