Very Stable Real Man of Genius

The new Bears logo:

they should just sign these two and embrace the Double Doink:

More like 45 is his IQ.

Fish Throwers:

Just have a giant Hitler mascot roaming the sidelines, he was a monster, it works!

my buddy was sent to Houston for a year as a part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. When I applied for a job in Houston I asked him about it and his response was “our entire group made a promise to one another that we’d never let each other live in Houston.” I withdrew my application. 

Seattle Dragons? So many great regional possibilities for name (Sasquatcheses, Cobains, Amazonians, SanFranWannabees) but no, let’s go with generic “Dragons.”

in Portland we have “The Cat Rapper.” Seriously:

FaceTime anywhere outside is obnoxious as hell.  I’ve seen people FaceTiming while walking down the sidewalks. They inevitably bump into someone but keep talking like nothing happened.  I always hope they just keep walking into traffic because the idiot is too into telling her friend about the amazing brunch she had

“Get in the hole” at golf events is the worst. The golfer should be allowed to beat that person with their driver for yelling that after a drive. 

when I went to an Oriole’s game for the first time my buddy who had lived in Baltimore tried to talk me out of trying it, but I insisted because it was “a Baltimore institution.” One time was more than enough.

I remember at the end of the last episode when the read DeAndre came on screen my roommate saying “holy shit, he looks like a mini Shaq.”

why Baltimore sucks? They consider this beer:

does anyone remember “The Corner” which HBO ran in 1999-2000?  That was pretty damn good too.

nothing Wilson does is not run through a team or PR professionals first. 

saw one recently “8675.”

actually, Russ stated in an interview he voted for Hillary. He also moved his North Carolina wedding out of the state because of the “Bathroom Bill.”

only because the media is too scared to touch “DangerRuss.” During his “born again virgin” stage my buddy and his friends used to have fun watching Russ take him Belltown girls home for the night. 

Hop Valley Brewing out of Eugene (now owned by Miller Coors) had a DIPA they named “Mouthraper.” Someone in marketing didn’t think that one through before releasing it. 

No, it’s “I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.”