Hoover the Talking Seal

I mean, the whole website at this point is basically Univision fucking a corpse. So, probably not.

Is this a joke? They straight up told us this months before the show was on.

Remember when they covered a ton of TV shows?

I remember when the AV Club used to live-chat these things. But I remember a lot about the AV Club. (I’m in a mood because I read the second-to-last entry in A History of Violence again earlier, and it reminded me of what things used to be like.)

The biggest revelation in the story is that the Cavs tried to move Irving this summer before he made his trade demand.

Did they change the meaning of the word “revelation” to “repeating information that was known several months ago”? And I didn’t hear about it?

Why expect more out of your superstar player so that your role players can be more effective? Is that the question?

The Cavaliers should pick up LaVar Ball, who —despite his advanced years— is better than LeBron, or so I have been led to believe.

12. Fix your streaming commenting platform’s interface.

I’m more annoyed by series that are designed for streaming, where it’s almost impossible to distinguish one episode from the next. For most Netflix dramas, I couldn’t tell you what happened in any specific episode.

The entire first half of episode 8 - the chase through the woods ending with the bowling alley with Ray Wise - was quite possibly the best thing Fargo has ever done, even if the rest of the season wasn’t up to par.

My first read of the headline was that she was offered a seven book deal, and I was ready to be like “Jesus, this is worse than people signing lucrative book deals off of a Twitter feed! There’s no way of knowing she could justify a commitment to that many books!” But actually, this is pretty reasonable, within the

How is the Big Sick not on this list? I understand some of the snubs, but that is egregious.

Just want to get in one last “fuck Kinja” of the year, but a best films retrospective should literally have attracted thousands of comments at this point, and you’ve managed...117. Congratulations.

Sorry just chuckling to myself at the notion that a Thor movie can be “inappropriately facile.” How dare Waititi trample upon the sacred traditions of the Thor franchise!

Here’s my problem with Last Jedi on this list and don’t worry! This has nothing to do with the movie itself (which I largely enjoyed).

Lol, ah, no. There is and will continue to be a global economy. Manufacturing is changing, and that’s a good thing. More efficient processes shortly lead times, are leveling the global playing field for the US. Less manufacturing companies are moving overseas. Additive manufacturing is the next big thing. Really, this

Why did the A.V. Club feel compelled to amplify these fringe beliefs? Is it merely that someone else had information that could be regurgitated with nothing of value added to get some more page views? (I know that is probably the reason. That’s so fucking depressing when you think about how good the A.V Club has been

I think a big part of the problem with late-era Eminem releases is the disconnect between what made him famous in hip-hop circles and what made him famous in pop circles.

“Listen, this incident took place over a month ago. It was a different time. It is not indicative of who I am now.”

The AVClub pre-merger also had a whole lot less conservative jibber jabbers willing to post painfully obtuse dreck.