Hoover the Talking Seal

As it turns out, though, Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde is still a lot more compelling than Dr. Jekyll Who Is Also Really Strong And Very Cool, and so this “merged” Hulk was eventually revealed to be just another, separate personality, later dubbed “The Professor,” and kicked firmly into the background along with The

I think there are probably a multitude of reasons why superhero stories are resonating with audiences so much these days. I definitely agree that the sense of decency is one of them; the fact that Captain America is one of the most popular characters in the MCU would speak to that, as would the fact that people seem

I would argue that, assuming you’re correct and that Logan isn’t already a valid piece of art, super hero films are still in the infancy relatively-speaking. Compare the modern super hero film to a western in the 40's or 50's and you might find that the Western was, at one point, basically a rom-com for teenage boys

Reviews for this show were insufferable. They absolutely raised the show to a level it never accomplished, and were ridiculously laborious in finding a kind of depth and complexity the show never had. I love the show for what it is, the small details that surely can’t be accidental (the little snippets of memory and

I’m sorry, I had high hopes for this, but this is the most ridiculous series I’ve seen in ages. From Patricia Clarkson’s dinner-theatre Streetcar Named Desire performance (and getting some competition in this episode from Elizabeth Perkins), the ASMR sound design, ‘you’re reading me’, Camille Preaker making certain to

Still with this?

If not, you can always fall back on copy editing.

Wow, that’s a bit mean-spirited. Your entire premise forgets the fact that in the comics, they resorted to demonic annulment of the Peter/MJ marriage to return him not to high school but to swinging bachelor Peter Parker. The idea of a single Spidey who has his nightly pick of partners from Black Cat, Silk, MJ, and a

OT:Ignatiy Vishnevetsky has also announced he’s leaving the AV Club. I wish they would keep an updating article of all the writers taking the buy-out.

I don’t mind Maguire, but I find Kirsten Dunst atrocious in these movies. They turned me off her acting for a good decade or so, until she came back and killed it in Fargo season 2 and The Beguiled. Now I’m excited to see whatever she does next. 

* Tobey Maguire might not have captured Spiderman’s buoyant, live wire energy, but he nailed his neurotic, introspective, insecure mopiness, arguably the most original of Spiderman’s signature traits. Spider-Man wasn’t the first teen hero to be a whirling dervish of snappy patter and one liners — Bucky, Robin and

“Why’s J. Jonah Jameson being mean to that drummer? Why’s J. Jonah Jameson psychoanalyzing that serial killer? Why’s J. Jonah Jameson...raping that guy in prison?”

For me, Tobey was a good Peter and lousy Spiderman, Garfield was a good Spiderman and lousy Peter, and Tom Holland is the one who is juuuuuust right.

Don’t you ever diss the Dunst. She gets a lifetime pass for Dick and Drop Dead Gorgeous. Also she shared a cigarette with me outside of a restaurant and seemed as nice as a harangued 20 something celebrity could be back in 2011.

And I had similar thoughts while watching Deadpool 2. A lot of that humor won’t age well. In a few years the reference to Jared Kushner will be as stale as a Michael Dukakis joke.

Here’s the thing though: he wasn’t bullied because of his looks or something, it was because he was so awkward around people. I was (not to toot my own horn or anything) a good looking guy in high school. But I was also kind of the socially outcast nerd because I was just awkward and I didn’t have much in common with

The scene where he puts together that Peter is Spider-Man while Peter lies about his arm injury (and the scene where Pete is on the ceiling and one blood drop comes down) is still, to me, the most tense scene in any comic book movie

My Willem Dafoe impression circa 2003 was rasping out things related to his other roles and adding “SPIDAH-MAN” to the end (i.e. “I’M JESUS, AND THIS IS MY LAST TEMPTATION, SPIDAH-MAN!” I was young and stupid.)

That mask still bugs me. Defoe looks like a fucking a goblin. The mask was totally not needed.

Since it’s highly unlikely to get its own article, I’ll just mention here that the scene where J. Jonah Jameson has to keep his blood-pressure down but Miss Brant keeps trolling him with the buzzer on his intercom is perhaps the best scene in Spider-Man 3.