Hoover the Talking Seal

PRTMB’s bullshit is better ignored. It’s hard sometimes since he’s the one of the first 3 comments on every fucking article.

you got Laura Bogart dropping A grades for Sharp Objects before she even sees the episodes, but this only gets a B+?! This site needs an overhaul of its grading system.

Man, and I thought Chuck was an asshole. 

Minor fourth category: someone who plays a character who is a bad actor and who looks good at it, because he is an actual bad actor or ran out of juice and is becoming one. This includes Jeff Conaway in Taxi and Richard Dreyfuss in The Goodbye Girl, and one may debate Joey on Friends.

I think this is a perfectly serviceable movie. It’s a lousy adaptation of the graphic novel, but - as was noted in the article - I don’t think there’s a good way to turn an Alan Moore book into a movie.

Who would have thought running off nearly all the readers of a site would reduce the profits to the point where the site would have to be shutdown or sold? I’m sure Disney will buy you, you’re always up their ass doing PR and damage control, and you’re not above spouting some fake news to get clicks, defending horrible

Please, please , please pay attention to Cave Carson has an Instellar Eye. Cave Carson was by far the best thing to emerge from the short lived Young Animals imprint and continues to be one of the funniest, most bizarre, and surprisingly emotional books out there.

Although I would never doubt the power of groupthink in a world where people have managed to convince themselves that Wolverine is a compelling character, rather than Poochie with claws...I think people enjoy Ant-Man because it’s a well-executed movie full of talented actors doing effective work.

But as important as it is to get more women into STEM industries, I also think there’s something rather sexist and patronising when we marginalise and dismiss female characters who display more ‘stereotypical’ feminine qualities and interests, like fashion. It’s part of the same mindset that looks down on women for enj

Let’s give Elvis his due by considering those first five years, when he released eight albums, all good to great. OK, he never quite matched the one-two punch of Aim and Model, but I don’t agree with any calculus that doesn’t put Imperial Bedroom as some kind of classic. Then, after a lull in which he was still

Precious - S1T1 Pretenders debut album

I haven’t seen this many adult men work so hard to avoid being touched since Comic Con! WHOA!

Preposterous! These movies should be realistic!

As an almost 40 year old, while being responsible with careers, kids and other adult things, when my old high school friends and I get together things can devolve into fun-loving mayhem as well, if just for the one night or day we are together. 

You’re absolutely correct in your assessment. This review is so far off the mark, it’s strange.


I mean, I agree that it’s super depressing that the show went in this direction, but Legion isn’t Buffy, and it’s not The Flash. I think it’s a deeper and more psychologically interesting show.

It makes perfect sense that David used his powers to make Syd forget that she had stopped loving him, and that he slept


No. Go fuck yourself.

You must be fun at parties.

This is how I’m interpreting it: