Hoover the Talking Seal

Are you honestly going to sit there and tell me you didn’t laugh at his delivery of the “It tastes like I stuck a straw in a frog’s ass” line? I don’t believe you.

The issue isn’t the repeal of Obama-era protections but rather the Bush-ear ones. The Bush-era 08' ones are the ones the people want. The 2015 Obama-era extra “protections” just gave the government the power to indiscriminately censor sites, providers, throttle speeds, changes taxes on a business to business basis.

Marmaduke was David Duke all along!

Danielle Brooks for Orange is the New Black

When else has he seemed like an ass? I don’t know the guy, but have never heard any bad stories about him. I saw him do comedy live years back and he seemed like a super chill dude.

This is the pure essence of the internet: Click on an alluring picture of an attractive young actress, proceed to watch a pointless argument between two sad, bitter office workers

I am absolutely convinced that people don’t actually know what net neutrality is.

Upvoted for username-comment pedantic synergy, upvote rescinded for your long-winded comment not having any funny parts.

Well hopefully he’ll also beat Roy Moore. :)

I guess I am in the minority, but I just don’t think I need or want an R-rated Star Trek.

I haven’t read much from this list at all (which is great because it gives me more to check out), but one of the most unique comics I read in 2017 is Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire’s A.D.: After Death. I’m kind of surprised it didn’t make the list. Though with so many amazing comics being published these days, nothing

I’m looking forward to this despite thinking Happy! was one of Grant Morrison’s least interesting works (basically, it was little more than a more constrained reworking of an old, forgotten Keith Giffen comic called The March Hare) I hope it is more interesting as a TV show.

Vincent Guaraldi Trio with some killer eggnog.

What if the South won the Civil War is second only to Nazis winning WW2 when it comes to the alt-history sub-genre. There’s Harry Turtledove series for starters.

This list is bullcrap, man. Where the hell is Spider-Man Homecoming?

More like Garrison Feeler

God I wish Nathan For You’s season finale had aired at a cinema so it could be eligible for all of these awards.

Geoff Johns aping earlier work by better writers in his own books is pretty much always bad, especially when it’s lively stuff such as JLI or Morrison’s scripts, because Johns’s stories are so flat and morose, especially his Green Lantern stories. Sadly, imitating other writers has been most of his career

I’m a hipster and a fraud for saying I like the man and what he stood for, even if I don’t like his music? Okay, then.

I mean, I assume that the reason they keep talking about it is that people keep asking them about it, not that they just brought it up out of the blue and without prompting at a Clone High panel.