Hoover the Talking Seal

I hope it’s in the documentary, but he stated on The Daily Show that - it’s not (just) that he’s a stereotype, but that he was kind of the Only representation of what an Indian looks and sounds like (for all the people who are like, “I don’t see how this is such a big deal/but he was so developed!” - despite the

Being Indian myself, I feel like South Asians are the most misrepresented community in Hollywood. I mean there is progress, but it’s so minimal. That’s why I related so much to Master of None. Aziz Ansari makes a big effort to bring about the real representation. And frankly it’s not even that hard. Watch any South

“Can you love someone who did bad things?”

I like her nuanced take. But you can love someone who does bad things. Part of loving someone is calling them on their BS. I have a friend who admitted he did something bad. (not Louis CK bad, but ethically pretty bad. Also not illegal. In the list of things that have been coming out about Hollywood right now: None of

Not really interested in a Multiple Man movie, but an X-Factor Investigations movie could be pretty fun.

My roommate and I have a stupid idea for a sequel to Over the Top called Under the Bar, where Stallone’s character has to win a limbo competition.

It’s almost like Disqus, but without The AVC community behind it.

She’s asleep and he’s doing the gropy-gropy fingers thing. This is the kind of shitty picture your non-shitty college friends rightfully give you shit for taking. This is not what a sitting senator, and a man in his late 60s should be doing at all. 

Or they could simply cast that delightful actor who played Jeffrey Tambor’s twin brother in Arrested Development. That guy looked almost exactly like Tambor and also had beautiful long hair.

They could rebrand it as Sansparent

JAMES Stewart?

IMO: The fact that Dr Strange counts as “mediocre” in the MCU is a ringing endorsement of the overall quality of the MCU.

The fanboys getting mad at the reviewers is so misplaced. The people we/they should be mad at is Warner Brothers. How in the fuck can they not get this right?

America has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. And we also have the highest rate of re-offense, of people going right back to jail. You know why? In my humble opinion, it’s because we’re more interested in vengeance than rehabilitation. We want to hate and rage at and punish people more than we want

Okay, but he’s literally saying that the survivors would have to be the first and last ones to forgive them, and if they weren’t ready to, their violators wouldn’t deserve forgiveness. We all agree on this.

Uh, there were no allegations (not even anonymous ones) on record and Kirkman denied her article was about LCK. And the origin of the story appeared to be a Gawker article.

I know it’s in poor taste but:

I heard that they’re having him reboot Batman Beyond with a contemporary future setting and a teenage Terry McGinnis.

Fellow woman here. Just wanted to chime in and say Oskennus’ and Dennis’ interest in direct examples is hardly outrageous or itself sexist. Your headline functions as your thesis; we click on it because we want details. Instead, you waste a lot of space with several paragraphs on the general background of the Batman

No, she didn’t. I still don’t really have any examples for women being the punchlines of jokes, nor scenes in which the are portrayed as childish and weak. She for sure doesn’t have to give me any more examples; she doesn’t really owe me anything. She also doesn’t have to prove herself to me, but even if that was some