Hoover the Talking Seal

y’all could use your platform to educate your readers about the dangers of media monopolies and in the process construct a coherent political identity for your publication outside of generic corporate liberalism. people generally don’t understand how these massive media monopolies were consolidated and how this

What if they co-produced a film with Univision?

I like 2 more than 3. I can never forgive Iron Man 3 for ruining AIM. 2 Always felt like a fun little One-Shot, Avengers set-up notwithstanding. And Sam Rockwell is always a blast.

Handful? She’s sold over a billion books. And she was a great mystery writer.

“I have a short list of people I did not want to find out were raging scumbag assholes”

Really? I have a long list.

The original Anna Graham Hunter article in Hollywood Reporter was very good. It not only gave a clear-eyed account of what happened but also dug into the author’s conflicted feelings about Hoffman as well as how older, successful men prey on young girls.

Gotta say, Hoffman hurts. I always figured that Weinstein and

The founder’s tenuous logic aside, is there really that much Papa John’s pizza hate? Your favorite local pizza place is is probably great, but I’d take Papa John’s over junk from Pizza Hut, Dominos, or the flat, greasy stuff New Yorker’s get on the corner and claim is gold.

Does anyone remember a time when this site used to be a celebration of pop culture and the people who provide it?

Wikipedia Wormhole is one of my favorite features and I almost didn’t see it due to the AV Club’s new and shitty layout. I wonder if there are other features that I used to enjoy which are now buried way down the page after they’ve been up for an hour. Maybe this site is actually still producing lots of good content,

There was an independent theater in Los Gatos, CA that used to charge more for children, less for adults. Makes sense to me - you want parents to think twice about bringing kids into a movie ....

As long as there are way too many ninjas I’m in.


Actual we have no reasons to believe a rumor based on a single source which already was refuted by said source.

I won’t say this is the most reluctance with which I’ve ever given a star, but it’s in the top ten.

Yeah im pretty sure Bill Murray is a frequent fuckhead despite the internets love affair with him

Terry Crews for President.

Now I heard there was a brand new book.
Padgett wrote so I’ll take a look,
But you don’t care for cover music, do ya?
Buckley’s was great, and Cale’s from Shrek
But all the rest are fucking dreck.
‘Cause every asshole on the Voice sings “Hallelujah.”

I mean, those are two pretty incomparable situations there.

the Scooby-Doo knockoff pet dog