Hoover the Talking Seal

For god’s sake, it would make so much of a difference just to have a Recent Articles page again. It was extraordinarily convenient before the switch, and now that nothing on the front page has any permanence it’s completely necessary. Seriously, the only things raised to the featured articles on the top are the

I resent that. The kid reading that fanfic to you doesn’t reboot it on a yearly basis.

Just like “Flight” would have been a great movie if it stops with Denzel Washington getting in the elevator, totally recovered and victorious, without ever showing any remorse whatsoever. If that movie had cut right there, it would be Citizen Kane.

How was posting Hogan’s fuck tape legitimate journalism?

Our only hope is if the New York Times is smart enough not to host revenge porn and refuse to take it down even after a court order!

Where is Block and Tackle when we most need it?

IMHO, Mike Judge is - and will continue to be - the king of the pop-culture hill. At least that’s what this illustrated timeline I’ve been reading told me.

Glad this was finally settled for that Selfie

wow, Is that directed at me? Kinda at a loss on how mentioning one thing I was curious by (one I’m not even sure I disagree with) is as confrontational and insulting as you’re implying. I would think that something you wrote would be up for, y’know, discussion on a comments section. Good to know that any gentle

Old Testament God: I’m gonna send plagues, dare old men to kill their sons, flood the whole damn world, and set these twin cities on fire! FUCK YOU ADAM AND EVE I TOLD Y’ALL TO NOT EAT THAT APPLE!

I met Walt last year at a local school’s book fair (for real). He was sitting at a table drawing anything the kids asked for and just being amazing. I was completely unashamed about sitting next to him with my kids for the full 3 hours and watching him be just as gregarious, humorous and humble as he is in these

Sorry, afraid he won’t have time for it now that he’s got his new gig drunkenly tweeting at the Strokes.