
I'm starting to like this guy.
-Dennis Hastert

Never said that

He's got that unfortunate quality a lot of atheists have where they can't help but be assholes about it.

I stopped following Gervais' career when it became obvious that he was David Brent in real life.

Wasn't there a couple of polls that showed something like 40% of Republicans questioned whether Obama was a citizen or not? Even if some of the respondents were just screwing around that's still a high percentage. I have realized that there's a segment of the right, or alt-right, that has a peculiar anti-humor, which

Interesting. Thanks.

Only because there wasn't enough destruction.

Why do Japanese gamers get upset by hitting people and other cars?

Bernard told Maeve that her narrative had been changed by someone (I'm banking on Ford) to trying to escape. I'm just speculating but this same person who changed Maeve impressed upon them, or set them up, to help her out. I'm sure they had no idea it would turn into a bloodbath.

If I got it right, the two tech guys were doing Ford's bidding by helping Maeve out. That makes their behavior understandable and covers what I thought was the biggest plot hole in the story.

But what if Trump and the Republicans decide they don't want to give up power? Before this election I would have laughed at anyone suggesting authoritarianism was coming to the US. Today, not so much. One of the first acts of a fascist regime is arresting the opposition and we've all heard the cries of, "lock her up!"

Check out his contribution to V/H/S/2. It's kinda like that but with lots of guns and demons.

Yep. The US today is not the US on 9/11. Another 9/11 would not lead to the kind of unity we had immediately following but would descend into blaming and yelling at domestic political enemies. Alex Jones has the ear of the Republican base, for God's sake.

The only thing keeping me going in this episode was the hope that Travis was going to kill Chris. Alas, it did not happen. Travis is a stupid, wet noodle of a character but Chris sucks big time and needs to die.

That's exactly it.

Also bedbugs. I bet Maury is a stickler about preventing bedbugs.

Weren't most of Springer's guests either fake or coached? I remember someone infiltrated the Springer show in the 90s and exposed a lot of it (not that it really matters.) I always assumed Maury was the same way.

When civilization collapses it's gonna be neighborhood dogs and squirrel meat.

Zoo is definitely the most self-aware out of the bunch. And there's no time to hang around boring story lines because angry sloths and beavers won't stand for it.

Sad, isn't it? We debate which show is the most funny-bad and it's usually The Strain because of Eph's drinking problem. Which reminds me that Zoo tops them both when it comes to laugh out loud terribleness. Yes, I watch too much TV.