
The actress playing Alicia had such a strong presence on The 100 that her lack of any compelling scenes in this show really stands out to me. She's almost a complete blank as a character.

Hmm, this a step down from the massive stones Dekkar employs. No guitar solo?

Yeah, last season I kept hoping Strand would abandon those other losers and start his own show.

Not the first time I've been zinged by Stannis. When will I learn?

Given how much it costs to make this show, I don't blame them for having less episodes per season. Concentrate their limited resources on making the remaining episodes as good as possible and end the damn thing (sorry, GRRM.)

Not only have I watched every episode, I've read every published book from both series and enjoyed them. Go figure.

The fake outs and cynicism doesn't bother me as much as the characters constantly being unbelievably stupid in order for the plot to move forward.

The Walking Dead is like a teenager who just discovered cynicism.

I agree. A massive dickwad but he showed his qualities during the wildling assault on Castle Black.

Maybe she kills Walder Frey?

Good question. I've seen people point to Paul's Boutique as an example of how Real Artists use sampling. I remember when Paul's Boutique came out and these same type of people complained about how the Beastie Boys ripped off Real Musicians like Led Zeppelin without having any understanding of how much Zeppelin ripped

See Led Zeppelin and the lawsuit over "Stairway to Heaven."

Wine consumption is an important issue.

Having no control over the TV watching in my household makes me even more thankful for Game of Thrones because I won't have to watch this show next week.

The Wanderer is just on vacation from killing rats in another show.

After Ragnar's antics tonight I would totally be team Rollo. Except he's a gleeful rapist. I guess it's team no one, then. Good job, show.

If Morgan had killed the wolf dude, Denise never would've been in danger in the first place. Kind of undermines Morgan's entire speech about saving lives.
Did Carol have a miniature gatling gun up her sleeve? What was that?
How many times have these people been captured? Daryl, especially, seems prone to it.
I hope

I think it's just annoyance with music snobbery. Hell, this series has made me defend Nickleback, for Christ's sake.

Agreed. Bad drugs were starting to go around. The bathrooms were a nightmare.

I went to a Dave Mathews Band concert in the late '90s and the majority of the people there were young women. I was going to a lot of Phish shows at the time so my perspective might have been a little skewed.