
I wish I could make a Mad About You reference but I have no memory of that show even though I'm pretty sure I watched every episode. Sad, I know.

That's one of my favorite theories. Baelish colluding with the White Walkers in order to influence the political machinations of Westeros for his own personal gain.

True enough. It is getting harder to tell the difference these days.


Sandler originally being considered for Roth's Inglorious Basterds role provoked me.

As much as I dislike Eli Roth, the hatred doesn't even register compared to how I feel about Adam Sandler. I hung around a lot of dude-bros in college and Sandler's movies definitely contributed to their shitty behavior and world view. In a just world, Sandler would be in prison.

I believe he likes Elton John, so…actually, that's still pretty weird.

Trump advocating police violence in front of cheering cops=not funny

I recently saw Phish for the first time in over a decade and I drank so much in the parking lot that I barely remember the show. Just like old times.

Because he would have been instantly killed by the archers surrounding him. Jon Snow challenged Ramsay to mano a mano combat before the battle so when Ramsay realized he was doomed he tells Jon he accepts the challenge in an attempt to save his life.

Keep recycling without ever tasting the difference!

The gallons of mystery meat for the apocalypse Baker sells is way more disturbing than anything Jones is peddling.

Yeah. This episode wasn't the first time I felt like the show is trying to stretch out the story to fit multiple seasons.

I'm thinking of doing a reread myself. It's been over 15 years since I read it so it'll be interesting to get a new handle on it.

I wonder what non-book readers think since there's no explanation for what the hell is going on. An admirable artistic choice, to say the least.

I read the book so long ago that I've forgotten a lot of it but doesn't the show seem way more fantastical? I'm not complaining because this was awesome. It just seems like the book had more pedestrian scenes with the gods and, especially, Shadow that didn't include the flights of fancy Bryan Fuller loves so much.

The robot baby didn't make it in the film's final cut because the animatronic horrified everyone (you should really look it up.) They went with CGI instead, which was almost as bad. The whole baby storyline is just wrong on so many levels.

I'm grateful for the existence of the Twilight movies simply because of the Rifftrax versions. That and the hideous robot baby.

The more ridiculous and over the top the better. When the show gets mired in grimdark it's boring as fuck.

Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen.