
Good point. I didn't think about that.

I'm having a hard time engaging with the Nina storyline. It's like a whole other show I'm not interested in.

Expecting shlocky garbage, I was wholly unprepared for Exorcist III. Probably the best way to experience a good horror movie if not the most enjoyable. Had a few nights struggling to get to sleep afterwards.

Negan is going to smash Glenn's head in in front of the whole fucking cast, including Maggie and the stupid balloon girl so they can say, "Look at us! We're brutal and unforgiving and tricked you with our double bait-and-switch."

Is Rick gonna finally cut his hand off?

"Women and seaman don't mix, sir."

I usually don't mind being confused during a dense, complicated story but all these names getting thrown around makes my head hurt. I have a feeling when all is said and done I'll still be, "wait, what?" Maybe California corruption is above my pay grade.

Who the hell is Burris, Dixon, and Holloway? That pretty much sums up this show for me.

Is it me or did they increase Eph's wig budget a little. It's still bad but not as laughably so as last season, which is a down grade in my opinion.

I read somewhere (reddit?) that the Stark Watch Commander and the female Other had a political wedding that secured an alliance to keep the White Walkers on one side of the Wall and humans on the other but the Wildlings have broken that alliance and the Others are responding to that violation. Don't know if I believe

I like how they've established a hierarchy within White Walker society suggesting there's more to them than just evil and magic. Hell, they may have legitimate reasons for doing what they do.

True. I just wish they would tone down the almost sycophantic praising for their favorites. I generally agree with them on which shows are good, but that's not what I want from criticism.

You seem to be more interested in setting up clever ways to advocate the show's greatness and less on actual, you know, criticism. This seems to be a common thread throughout this site regarding shows the writers have anointed their favoritism on. That's being a fanboy not a critic.

Are you 12 years old? What an asinine review. All this, "please, my delicate nature can't handle it." If you're complaining about gore at this point, please fuck off.

Less fanboy/girl and more Television Without Pity.

What's the point of these letter grades? What's the difference between B+ and A-? Seems like you want to have your cake and eat it too. Thumbs up, thumbs down at least takes a stand on something. Just do without it and trust the reader.

I would love that. But theres no God. There's no hope. Only sulking, miserable actors shuffling forward.

What about the targeted tornado? What the f@#k? There's no excuse for that.

Would I be a pretentious SJW to see a correlation between this and The Bell Curve? Time to put on A Tribe Called Quest

Someone needs to recreate Ornette Colemen's entire library with Hodors.